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Party congress system

China Daily | Updated: 2012-07-05 08:13

Communist Party of China committees at central and local levels hold Party congresses every five years.

The highest level is the national Party congress, the main functions of which are to elect members to the Central Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Terms of these committees last a maximum of five years. The congress hears and examines reports from these bodies

Members of the national congress traditionally meet in autumn, although this can be brought forward if the Central Committee deems it necessary or if more than one-third of provincial-level committees request to do so.

The Central Committee meets in plenary sessions at least once a year, during which members of its Political Bureau will report and receive oversight.

When the national congress is not in session, the Central Committee carries out its resolutions, directs the work of the Party and represents the CPC in its external relations.

When the Central Committee is not meeting, the Political Bureau and its Standing Committee exercise the body's powers.

As well as congresses, Party committees at provincial, prefecture and county levels meet in plenary sessions at least twice a year.

China Daily

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