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City probes aids threat claims

China Daily | Updated: 2014-12-25 07:37

Authorities in Nanyang, Henan province, are investigating reports that workers tasked with demolishing homes for a new development are threatening to infect residents with HIV if they don't move out, Xinhua News Agency reported on Wednesday.

Forced demolitions have been blamed for many previous mass disturbances around the country, with local governments and developers sometimes accused of forcibly carrying out demolition orders and of not paying proper compensation.

Pictures of the "AIDS demolition team" have recently surfaced on social media, with residents claiming to have been harassed since December to move out of their homes, which are slated for demolition and development.

The government of Nanyang confirmed the team's existence, but said that they were not hired by the local government, Xinhua said.

"An official with the Nanyang government said a company in charge of the community's demolition has been closed and is being investigated," the report added.

"It is not yet known whether the team really included AIDS patients or just used the disease as a threat."

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