版权所有 - 中国日报�(ChinaDaily) China Daily <![CDATA[名句改编“雪克隆” Snowclone]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-03/14/content_14831583.htm 名句改编“雪克隆”


The term "snowclone" describes the practice of transforming cliches, axioms and pop culture catchphrases into modern analogies. For example, the catchphrase, "To be or not to be, that is the question", can be turned into, "To eat or not to eat, that is the question."


A snowclone can be formed simply by borrowing a timeworn but familiar cliche and injecting the specific topic into its basic syntax. The movie catchphrase in Alien, "In space, no one can hear you scream", for example, can be turned into the business-related snowclone, "In space, no one can hear you negotiate".


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2012-03-14 10:38:50
<![CDATA[同堂假期]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-03/13/content_14822177.htm 同堂假期


Graycation is a family vacation that's spent with grandparents to share costs.


An estimated 2.7 million families are planning to holiday in the UK this year with children, parents and grandparents all in the same resort, according to a survey. Researchers say that the total number has soared this year, thanks to the rising price of foreign holidays and the opportunities for sharing costs on a graycation.


In addition to the economic benefits of multigenerational vacationing, many of those surveyed said graycations were appealing because they allowed grandparents and grandchildren to spend more time together.


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2012-03-13 10:53:30
<![CDATA[iPad“商标侵权”案]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-03/12/content_14812886.htm iPad“商标侵权”案

一个 iPad 商标,引发了一场知识产权的血战,也引发了网友的围观。苹果公司在与唯冠科技(深圳)有限公司的商标侵权案中一审判决败诉,唯冠申请禁售令,苹果公司iPad在中国各地的专卖店遭遇下架。

Trademark infringement就是指“商标侵权”,是指行为人未经商标权人许可,在相同或类似商品上使用与其 trademark registration(注册商标)相同或近似的商标,或者干涉、妨碍商标权人使用其注册商标,损害商标权人legitimate interest(合法权益)的其他行为。行为人销售明知或应知是counterfeit registered trademark(假冒注册商标)的商品, right to exclusive use of trademark(商标专用权)被侵权的natural person(自然人)或者legal entity(法人)在civil affairs(民事)上有权要求侵权人cessation of infringement(停止侵害)、eliminate ill effects(消除影响)、redress damage(赔偿损失)。

For example:

The tablets have been confiscated from shelves in many retail shops and electronic stores due to a Chinese company's lawsuit against the Apple Inc over the trademark infringement, in Shijiazhuang, capital of Hebei province.

在河北省省会石家庄市,由于苹果公司商标侵权案,使得多处零售商店和电子产品商店中的iPad平板电脑遭遇下架的命运。唯冠科技(深圳)有限公司是在2011年年初提出上诉,起诉苹果公司iPad商标侵权,并开始了court proceedings(法律诉讼程序)。公司还向北京工商管理部门提出投诉,并向其他三地的法院申请禁售令。双方自此陷入了trademark infringement(商标侵权)的诉讼混战中。

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2012-03-12 10:38:51
<![CDATA[Cog in the machine]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-03/08/content_14789603.htm Reader's question:

Cog in the machine

I am not an important person in this company. I'm just a lowly cog in the machine.


My comments:

Cogs are essential parts of a machine. They're gears that work together to make machinery work their magic. Without cogs, machines and, indeed, the entirety of modern-day industry would grind to a halt. And so it is curious that cogs are considered unimportant. And perhaps it's not so curious. Cogs are considered unimportant because they're commonplace — there are thousands upon thousands of them in an assembly line, for instance.

Hence, people who work jobs that are mundane routines in an organization or business call themselves "cogs".

A lower cog is a lower-ranking staff member. Zhang Xin, who writes a column for Language Tips, has been with China Daily since 1988.

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2012-03-08 14:35:58
<![CDATA[“休假式治疗”走红网络]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-03/07/content_14778182.htm “休假式治疗”走红网络


1. vacation-style treatment


2. vacation-style therapy


3. “therapeutic” leave

有媒体直接译作了take “therapeutic” leave。Therapeutic是therapy的形容词形式,意思是“治疗的;有疗效的”。另外”take ... leave”也是一种固定用法,我们平时说“请病假”就是take sick leave。

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2012-03-07 11:13:22
<![CDATA[削减中美“信任赤字”]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-03/06/content_14766728.htm 削减中美“信任赤字”


Trust deficit就是指“信任赤字”,deficit就是指“赤字,不足额”,例如fiscal deficit(财政赤字),trade deficit(贸易逆差;贸易赤字)。

For example:

Vice-President Xi Jinping's visit to the United States provides a very important opportunity to enhance bilateral mutual trust, as a "trust deficit" exists that contrasts with booming bilateral ties, a top Chinese diplomat said on Thursday.


国家副主席习近平此次访美的主要目的是为了削减中美之的“trust deficit (信任赤字)”,增强中美互信、减少猜疑,共同建设相互尊重、互利共赢的cooperative partnership (合作伙伴关系)达成的共识,进一步推动合作伙伴关系的发展。

除此之外,加强China-invested enterprise (中资企业)对美投资,也是此行的重点。作为中美关系中的重要组成部分,双边经贸问题在此次访美中尤为重要,双边市场开放、trade disputes (贸易争端) 解决、合作空间拓展等将成为主要经贸议题。预计未来中美利益交融、相互依存的格局将进一步加深。在知识产权、新能源、energy saving and environmental protection (节能环保)、医药、smart grid (智能电网)、航空、engineering contract (工程承包)等领域的合作将稳步推进。

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2012-03-06 10:43:48
<![CDATA[少女猎手 Manther]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-03/05/content_14756989.htm 少女猎手


A manther is a middle-aged man who seeks sexual or romantic relationships with significantly younger women.


Lee Rangel is a manther, but likes older women as well. The 57-year old is dating a 36-year old. "Usually women that are older are married. They have multiple children and they don't really like to have a lot of fun, the ones that I've met. And women that are younger tend to want to go do things and have fun and enjoy themselves and that’s what I like to do."


Women are often interested in older men because they appear more mature, self-assured, confi dent and the attraction could be the result of an unavailable father. While an age difference doesn’t necessarily mean trouble for a couple, there could be age-related problems.


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2012-03-05 10:38:06
<![CDATA[“back”的相关短语]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-03/01/content_14730208.htm “back”的相关短语

1. on my back 找我麻烦,挑我毛病

例句:Whenever I come home late my wife is always on my back.


2. get off my back 少跟我罗嗦

例句:I had enough with you. Get off my back!


3. turn my back on 拒绝帮助

例句:I can’t turn my back on him when he needs help.


4. behind my back 在背后

例句:If I did refuse to help, my supervisor might say bad things about me behind my back.


5. stab in the back 伤人的暗箭;背叛;诽谤

例句:Such a vicious lie could be nothing but a stab in the back.


6. pat on the back 鼓励;表扬

例句:Sometimes, when I am very productive in my job, my employer gives me a pat on the back.


7. I will scratch your back if you will scratch mine 礼尚往来

例句:I’ll scratch your back if you’ll scratch mine” only works if you will respond with something approaching parity.


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2012-03-01 10:50:12
<![CDATA[鹰爸 eagle dad]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-02/29/content_14720716.htm 鹰爸 eagle dad


Eagle dad就是指“鹰爸”,其educational ideas(教育理念)是:当幼鹰长到足够大的时候,鹰妈妈就会狠心地把幼鹰赶下山崖,幼鹰往谷底坠下时,拼命地拍打翅膀,趁此掌握了基本的本领—飞翔。与此前出现的“tiger mom(虎妈)”、“wolf dad(狼爸)”近似,对“eagle dad(鹰爸)”的教育方式,社会各界也同样是褒贬不一。一项调查显示,70%的网友不认同这种近乎“残酷的鹰式教育”。对越来越趋向于远离严厉的传统教育模式,尊崇宽松自由美国模式的中国家庭教育来说,“如狼似虎”的父母往往让人们嗤之以鼻。

在home education(家庭教育)中,父母也应适度谦抑individual will(个人意志)和personal ideal(个人理想)对孩子的影响,以便与孩子的选择和兴趣形成合理博弈,而不是将孩子完全变成自身教育理念的实验品。

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2012-02-29 10:52:50
<![CDATA[你是idle car owner捧车族吗?]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-02/28/content_14711642.htm 你是idle car owner捧车族吗?

Idle car owners are the car owners who rarely get behind the wheel of their vehicles because of rising gasoline, insurance and registration costs. Their cars linger in parking lots or on streets the majority of the time and are used on the weekend or during holidays and vacations.


Having a car is convenient for commuting or taking trips. But nowadays, some private car owners are leaving their cars in the garage and driving as infrequently as possible. Surveys show 10 percent of private car owners in Beijing have become "idle car owners."


Many factors, such as traffi c, economic status and parking fees, haverestricted people's driving. The deterioration of these conditions has resulted in rising driving costs. Improved public transportation is another factor leading people to drive less.


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2012-02-28 11:13:06
<![CDATA[春节“节日病”]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-02/27/content_14700288.htm 春节“节日病”


Holiday excess就是指“节日病”,每逢长假,尤其在中国传统的节日— Spring Festival(春节),总会有许多因狂欢娱乐过度、crapulent(暴饮暴食)、饮酒过量而出现的各种heart cerebrovascular disease(心脑血管疾病)的患者和digestive system disease(消化系统疾病)的患者出现。

For example:

Ji was not the only one suff ering from the holiday excess. According to a survey by the popular Chinese website Sohu.com, the top three places where people like drinking most are Beijing, Shandong province and Hebei province.

冀先生(音)不是唯一一个染上“节日病”的人。根据搜狐网的一项调查,人们最嗜好饮酒的三个地区分别为北京、山东、和河北。春节,本是万家团圆的日子,可却成了很多人“sweet torment(甜蜜的痛苦)”,频繁的family gatherings and parties(家庭聚会)、休闲娱乐导致人们因过度饮酒、饮食不规律而引发各种春节“holiday excess(节日病)”。为此,专家提醒,春节过后,应及时调整饮食,尽快从节日状态中走出来,静下心来安心工作。

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2012-02-27 10:42:36
<![CDATA[首个“民间智库”注册]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-02/22/content_14667067.htm 首个“民间智库”注册

广东省首个民间智库组织南方民间智库咨询服务中心日前在广州正式揭牌,专家称此举是广东管理的又一创新,也是广东推进社会改革的又一次突破。Private think tank就是指“民间智库”,指的是一种非政府的社会组织,可以通过自己的第三方调查、客观中立的报告为政府决策提供很好的参考意见。

For example:

A province in South China has approved the first registered private think tank to help advise officials on key issues, the People’s Daily reported.

据《人民日报》报道,广东省批准注册首个民间智库,以帮助政府在关键事务中咨询决策。广东“南方民间智库”目前已吸收了来自all walks of life(各行各业)的57名正式智库成员,他们将通过网络问政、领导见面会等平台,为广东党委政府充当brain truster(智囊),出谋划策。该智库的正式成员包括知名网友、专家学者、政府及事业单位研究型人员、自由职业者等,此外还联系着上千名活跃的参与者。从本质上说,private think tank(民间智库)应该游离于体制之外,回归并立足于民间,人民群众才是其力量和智慧的源泉。民间智库要真正发挥作用,就必须建立一整套科学完整的制度,为民间智库的发展奠定基础。比如设立民间智库的special fund(专项资金),使民间智库保持必要的独立性,政府可出台必要的supportive policy(扶持政策),对民间智库的建言开通“green channel(绿色通道)”,并体现在public policy(公共政策)的制定与落实上。

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2012-02-22 10:38:46
<![CDATA[“互联网普及率”上升]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-02/21/content_14656901.htm “互联网普及率”上升

中国互联网络信息中心日前在京发布《第29次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》。《报告》显示,截至2011年12月底,中国网民规模突破5亿。Internet penetration rate就是指“互联网普及率”。目前我国Internet population(网民)已经达到5.13亿,其中mobile phone Internetuser(手机网络用户)达到3.56亿人。

For example:

The Internet penetration rate rose to 38.3 percent, up 4 percentage points from the same period in 2010, increasing by 55.8 million Internet users.


2011年,我国group purchasing users(团购用户)数达到6465万,年增长高达244.8%。团购用户热情不减,但group purchasing websites(团购网站)数量却在下半年开始下滑。在大部分网络娱乐类应用的使用率继续下滑的同时,web TV(网络视频)的使用率呈逆势上扬的态势。但《报告》同时指出,由于各大视频网站需要靠聚合数量更多、质量更好的copyright(版权)内容来获取高netfl ow(网络流量),使得网络视频业版权价格提高、operation cost(运营成本)大幅攀升,同时视频广告价格较低、其他profi t model(盈利模式)无法在短时间内培养成熟,因而网络视频行业整体处于亏损状态,这一现状目前还很难改变。

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2012-02-21 10:25:05
<![CDATA[龙年习语之“drag”篇]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-02/17/content_14633546.htm 1. drag someone’s heels 不情愿地做某事,拖延做某事

At times local organizations may drag their heels in the campaign.


2. drag somebody into something 使某人卷入某种困境中

Don’t drag me into your plan.


3. drag somebody away 使某人从某事中脱离开来转而从事其它事情

Though its time for dinner, it is diffi cult to drag my son away from the wonderful TV program.


4. a drag 无趣的事情

This fi lm is a drag.


5. drag in 牵扯,插入讨论中

Please concentrate on the business at hand and don’t drag in irrelevant issues.


6. drag on/drag out 拖延

Let’s not drag on/out this discussion. We’ve got to reach a decision.


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2012-02-17 11:28:57
<![CDATA[体重指数]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-02/07/content_14551457.htm 体重指数

Body mass index

著名的饱受争议的迪康减肥法(Dukan Diet)创始人法国营养学家迪康(Pierre Dukan),日前在其新书中提出,可以通过给变瘦的孩子增加额外考试成绩的方法来解决儿童肥胖问题。

Body mass index (BMI)就是指“身体质量指数”,简称“体重指数”,mass就是指“质量”。BMI是一个calculated value(计算值),主要用于统计用途,是用体重公斤数除以身高米数平方得出的数字,是目前国际上常用的衡量人体胖瘦程度以及是否健康的一个标准。

For example: The plan calls for high school students to be allowed to take a so-called "ideal weight" option in their fi nal year exams, the "baccalaureat", under which they would earn extra points if they kept a body mass index (BMI) of between 18 and 25.


此外,还可以依照body mass index(体重指数)来判断一个人的physical constitution(体格)。体格泛指身体健康强壮程度,如muscle function(肌肉功能)、cardio-pulmonary function(心肺功能)等。常用于指一个人的身体是否强健,通常称某人体格很好表示此人physical condition(身体状况)良好。

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2012-02-07 10:59:53
<![CDATA[你有诺丁山情结吗?]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-02/06/content_14543712.htm 你有诺丁山情结吗?

Notting Hill Complex

Notting Hill Complex refers to the dream that the perfect star or actress can walk into our lives and marry us. Notting Hill Complex is a romantic kind of love.


Notting Hill Complex is a dream, before coming back down to Earth. We realize that we are ordinary people and should live our lives.


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2012-02-06 10:51:48
<![CDATA[阿尔法老婆 vs 花瓶老婆]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-02/03/content_14532607.htm 阿尔法老婆 vs 花瓶老婆

Alpha-wives vs trophy wife

"Alpha-wives" emerge when women are the primary breadwinners in a household.


Sociologist Catherine Bartlett says the alpha-wife has begun to replace the so-called trophy wife. "The trophy wife was wanted for her youth, beauty and body. She earned nothing on her own and truthfully wasn't someone who was sought after for her brains. The alpha-wife is desired for her intelligence and her power as a top money earner. She's independent and savvy. Her looks, though certainly visible, are secondary."


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2012-02-03 13:42:45
<![CDATA[“伪科学”怎么说?]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-02/01/content_14515223.htm “伪科学”怎么说?


Pseudo-science就是指“伪科学”,也可以称为false science、badscience、suspect science。Pseudo就是指“冒充的,假的,伪的”,如pseudo instruction(伪指令/虚拟指令)、pseudo language(虚拟语言)。

While the review is partly about entertainment, the campaign group stresses it also has a serious aim — to make sure pseudo-science is not allowed to be accepted as truth.


Pseudo-science(伪科学)是指把没有scientifi c basis/evidence(科学根据)的non-science(非科学)理论或方法宣称为科学或者比科学还要

科学的某种主张,如西方典型的伪科学astrology(占星学)、Phrenology(骨相学)等。Falsifi ability(可证伪性)是区分科学与非科学(包括伪科学)的标准。“Sense about science (SAS)理智科学”组织希望名人们都能用自己的影响力来宣传正确的scientifi c knowledge(科学知识),以免误导公众。

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2012-02-01 09:28:04
<![CDATA[“网上订票系统”间歇瘫痪]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-01/31/content_14509494.htm “网上订票系统”间歇瘫痪


Online booking system就是指“网上订票系统”,铁道部表示在2011年年底前所有列车都将实现online purchasing(网上购票),同时在春运前完成system upgrade(系统升级),在全国范围内推行telephone booking(电话订票)业务。

The railway system’s online booking system has begun to show its vulnerability — and at times has been unable to issue tickets that were paid for — as the massive wave of travelers during Spring Festival approaches.


此前铁道部已宣布,2011年11月20日起所有nonstop trains(直达特快列车)(Z字头)将实现Web sales of train tickets(网络售票),12月10日起所有express trains(特快列车)(T字头)实现互联网售票。铁道部将逐步扩大ID-based ticket booking system(火车票实名制)实行范围,以遏制“ticket scalper(黄牛/票贩子)”ticket touting/scalping(倒票)。

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2012-01-31 09:48:40
<![CDATA[新“年”快乐]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-01/30/content_14504043.htm 新“年”快乐

1. all year round 一年到头、终年

例句:We’ve made certain arrangements so there can be fl owers of different colors all year round.


2. the seven-year itch 七年之痒

例句:Is there the so-called “seven-year itch” between two friends?


3. put years on 使某人觉得(显得)老些

例句:Being tired and unhappy put years on him.


4. be light years away from something 遥不可及,或指两个事物截然不


例句:Righteous punishment is a thousand light years away from revenge.


5. ring in the new year 新年前夕喜迎新年

例句:We ring in the New Year with church bells.


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2012-01-30 09:51:28
<![CDATA[杜绝“非法取证”行为]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-01/17/content_14458720.htm 杜绝“非法取证”行为

Illegal collection of evidence就是指“非法取证”,是指通过extort confessions by torture(刑讯逼供)和以威胁、引诱、欺骗以及其他非法方法收集的证据。

Chinese lawmakers continued to read a draft amendment to the Criminal Procedural Law, suggesting more detailed stipulations to stem the illegal collection of evidence.


根据草案规定,今后司法机关可能会对criminal suspects(犯罪嫌疑人)的审讯进行录音或录像。对被判life imprisonment(终身监禁)、death sentences(死刑)和felony charges(重罪指控)嫌疑人的interrogation process(审讯过程),必须进行录音或录像。

今年8月,全国人大常委会首次审议a draft amendment to the Criminal Procedural Law(刑诉法修正案草案)。随后,中国人大网全文公布草案向社会征求意见。同时,全国人大法律委员会、全国人大常委会法制工作委员会还通过座谈、调研等方式听取了各方面意见。这些意见、建议被立法机关采纳后形成了修正案草案二次审议稿。

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2012-01-17 09:16:45
<![CDATA[你患上“年关焦虑症”了吗?]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-01/16/content_14452084.htm 你患上“年关焦虑症”了吗?

Year-end panic

Year-end panic refers to the self-reproach and overall feeling of panic brought about by the approach of the year’s end, often due to a poor financial year and pressure at work.


Thinking of New Year’s Day, it involves a lot of spending, entertaining — often with the boss and colleagues — personnel assessments, changes, boredom, agitation and panic leading to stomach discomfort, headaches, insomnia and so on.


The psychological expert suggests that we should avoid increasing the pressure by comparing ourselves with others blindly. The end of the year is an ideal time for strategic review and renewal. Stress is high. But excitement is in the air! Regret lingers about goals left unfulfilled. But resolutions flourish to do better in the New Year!


— To learn more buzzwords, please log on to http://language.chinadaily.com.cn.

2012-01-16 09:45:51
<![CDATA[“Banana”俚语表达]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-01/12/content_14428286.htm “Banana”俚语表达


1. bananas 发疯的、神经错乱的(相当于crazy)

例句:The noise drives them bananas.


2. go bananas (= become crazy) 发疯、神经错乱

例句:She went bananas when she found him cheating.


3. big/top banana 主要人物、大老板、最好的演员或重要的官员

例句:He’s the top banana in this company.


4. second banana 第二选择、次要人物、配角

例句:I always play second banana to her.


5. banana oil 明显夸大的吹捧(花言巧语)

例句:Cut out the banana oil; fl attery will get you nowhere!


6. banana skin 尴尬事、隐患

例句:The proposed tax changes are likely to prove a banana skin for

the government.


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2012-01-12 09:35:22
<![CDATA[什么是“贴片广告”?Pre-movie adverts]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-01/11/content_14420835.htm 什么是“贴片广告”?

Pre-movie adverts


Pre-movie adverts(也叫cinema advertising),就是指“贴片广告”或“随片广告”,是指将企业产品广告或企业形象广告与影片一同拷贝,在电影放映前播出的广告。

电影中的夹带广告按其表现的方式来说,一般分为显性和隐性广告两类。Dominant advertising(显性广告)主要以电影中的pre-movie adverts(贴片广告)为主,而recessive advertisement(隐性广告)则以电影中的product placement(植入式广告)为主。

For example:

Cinemas in China may be prohibited from screening pre-movie adverts after the fi lm’s start time printed on tickets, according to a draft law on movie promotion.


对影视剧的最大受众咱老百姓来说,新政策到底是能把TV Commercial(影视广告)数量控制在一个合理的范畴,还是在强力打压下使其变相生长,变本加厉地闯进我们的cultural life(文化生活),这才是关键问题。

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2012-01-11 09:44:38
<![CDATA[Reader’s question]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-01/09/content_14403953.htm Reader’s question:

Live and let live

We are only passing through, and since this government is a government led by a God-fearing leader who believes in God, why do we not agree, starting with this house, that we should adopt a policy of live and let live?

My comments:

“Live and let live” is the age-old idiom that literally means you should live your own life as you see fi t and let others live theirs as they want to.

There are many ways to interpret this, but, generally speaking, this line of philosophy advocates mutual tolerance and peaceful coexistence.

To elaborate, life off ers a wide variety of pleasures and opportunities, which generates vastly diff erent lifestyles in diff erent countries, societies and sometimes within the same cultures and communities.

Each person has his/her own reasons for, and ideologies about, living they way they do. Hence, to enjoy our lives the way we want to, we should allow others to do the same, even though their lifestyles may appear totally bizarre to us.

Otherwise, there’d be no peace.

Zhang Xin, who writes a column for Language Tips, has been with China Daily since 1988.

— To ask a question about learning English, please go to http://translate.chinadaily.com.cn.

2012-01-09 09:26:06
<![CDATA[关于“apple”的俚语]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-01/06/content_14391516.htm 关于“apple”的俚语

1. apple of one’s eye 掌上明珠、心肝宝贝(指某人极为珍爱的人或物)

例句:Grandfather always made the most fuss over Gillian. She is the apple of his eye.


2. apples and oranges 风马牛不相及的事物

例句:Men and women are like apples and oranges.


3. rotten apple 坏家伙、害群之马

例句:He’s a rotten apple.


4. upset the apple cart 搞砸或毁坏某事物

例句:Tom really upset the apple cart by telling Mary the truth about Jane.


5. an apple of discord 争端;祸根

例句:I sense an apple of discord between you two.


6. dead sea apple 不可靠的成就;令人失望的事情

例句:This proposal sounds perfect, but it will be dead sea apple if we

don’t do it exactly right.


— To learn more expressions, please log on to http://language.chinadaily.com.cn.

2012-01-06 09:16:41
<![CDATA[对压力又恨又爱的stress puppy]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2012-01/05/content_14384900.htm 对压力又恨又爱的stress puppy

A “stress puppy” is a person who thrives on stress but complains about it constantly.


They are always in a hurry, never have spare time, have anger explosions for the slightest provocation and are, frankly, just miserable people to live with.


People with this type of personality need to be conscious of the fact that the underlying reason why they are always stressed has to do with the way that they manage their lives. Stress is not an objective, independent entity but rather is something perceived in the mind of the person who experiences the stress. If someone suffers from stress not caused by dealing with the impact of a major life-changing event, but rather about the day-to-day grind of dealing with life, he needs to learn how to cope with stress and manage it.


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2012-01-05 09:43:56
<![CDATA[Reader’s question]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-12/30/content_14355319.htm Reader’s question:

Swiss cheese

And that means there’s no conditionality. They’re not conditional on receiving technology or fi nancing. There’re no trap doors. There’s no Swiss cheese in that kind of an agreement.

Swiss cheese is a kind of cheese that has large holes in it. Well, not all Swiss cheeses have holes in them, but what Switzerland is famous for in the cheese department is this fi rm pale yellow kind, the kind with large holes.

Hence, the long and short of it is that Swiss cheese gets to stand for, figuratively speaking, holes, or loopholes, as in laws which allow you to avoid doing what you’re supposed to do.

Another media example (Volcker: Rule is no Swiss cheese, Cityam.com, June 22, 2010):

White House economic adviser Paul Volcker has told US lawmakers they should not allow his proposed Volcker rule limiting risky trading by banks to become fi lled with holes.

“He has told several people, including some lawmakers, that he does not want the Volcker rule to look like Swiss cheese.”

Zhang Xin, who writes a column for Language Tips, has been with China Daily since 1988.

— To ask a question about learning English, please go to http://translate.chinadaily.com.cn.

2011-12-30 09:17:48
<![CDATA[新时代的“自由女”Freemale]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-12/29/content_14348928.htm 新时代的“自由女”


A freemale is a woman who opts for a single life, valuing friendships rather than pursuing extended romantic relationships. Some freemales also choose to live childfree, choosing not to have children for a variety of reasons, while others decide to become single mothers.


There are a variety of reasons to choose to live as a single woman, including a desire for an unencumbered lifestyle, the rising divorce rate and an inclination for asexuality. The freemale demographic is very intriguing from a real estate perspective. Single women are putting pressure on housing markets to provide homes that are comfortable for single women living alone.


— To learn more buzzwords, please log on to http://language.chinadaily.com.cn.

2011-12-29 09:52:18
<![CDATA[“Bone”的相关表达]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-12/27/content_14333483.htm “Bone”的相关表达

1. a bag of bones 骨瘦如柴的人

例句:If you don’t eat more you’ll soon be a bag of bones.


2. be as dry as a bone 干燥极了、口渴极了

例句:Let’s stop for a drink. I’m as dry as a bone.


3. be bone idle 懒到家了、懒到极点了

例句:The boy has a good enough brain but he’s bone idle and won’t



4. close to the bone 近乎下流的、卑鄙的

例句: Some of his jokes were a bit close to the bone.


5. bone of contention 争论的焦点

例句:The division of their father’s property is their bone of contention.


6. feel in your bones 直觉地意识到,从内心(预)感到

例句:She felt in her bones that she would succeed.


7. bone up 刻苦用功读书

例句:I must bone up on my French before we go to Paris.


—To learn more expressions, please log on to http://language.chinadaily.com.cn.

2011-12-27 09:32:56
<![CDATA[“限广令”英文怎么说]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-12/26/content_14326366.htm “限广令”英文怎么说


Ban on all TV stations airing commercials指的就是TV commercials ban(限广令),这一新规定将于2012年1月1日take into effect(开始实施)。全国各TV stations(电视台)必须重新调整节目安排,取消在TV dramas(电视剧)播放时插播的各种广告,违规播出机构将受到stern punishment(严肃处理)。

China’s top broadcasting watchdog has ordered a national ban on all TV stations airing commercials during TV dramas.


继cutback on TV entertainment(限娱令)之后,广电总局紧接着又重拳出台TV commercials ban(限广令),对电视行业进行规范和整顿,符合广大观众的利益和愿望。据调查,大多数观众都支持这一禁令,一些支持者表示,每次看电视剧时被广告打断,极大地破坏viewing experience(视觉体验)。

同时,TV commercials ban(限广令)不能只限制电视剧中插播的广告,更应该对那些涉嫌违法违规的fake advertising(虚假广告)、sexrelated commercials(色情广告)等进行整顿和规范。

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2011-12-26 09:47:48
<![CDATA[“双比萨团队” Two-pizza teams]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-12/23/content_14313466.htm 浓缩才是精华的“双比萨团队”

Two-pizza teams

“Two-pizza teams” is the concept of keeping a team small enough that it can be fed with two pizzas. That means being small enough for every member to make a noticeable contribution. The team requires interdependence, a common objective and a single criterion of success.


If you’re working in a group of more than 15 people, you’re fighting human nature. The number of group members varies from three to 12 or 15, and is likely optimal at around 10.


— To learn more buzzwords, please log on to http://language.chinadaily.com.cn.

2011-12-23 09:45:07
<![CDATA[Reader’s question]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-12/22/content_14305812.htm Reader’s question:

Sit on its hands

The Fed’s extraordinary intervention should impress upon the European Central Bank, as well as its paymasters in Germany, that it is high time it stopped sitting on its hands.

My comments:

Children in kindergarten are sometimes asked to literally sit on their hands while listening to the teacher in class. With their hands thus unable to move, they’re much less likely to play with their hands, let alone fi ht one another.

Hence, to sit on one’s hands suggests fi guratively means someone just sits there, remains idle and does nothing in, say, a time of crisis when he should be taking action.

In the above example, Germany is accused of having been sitting on its hands — that is, of inaction, when it is clearly expected to have done something to ease the euro crisis.

Zhang Xin, who writes a column for Language Tips, has been with China Daily since 1988.

— To ask a question about learning English, please go to http://translate.chinadaily.com.cn.

2011-12-22 09:39:43
<![CDATA[节日约会 Holidates]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-12/21/content_14298394.htm 节日约会


Holidates is one way of advertising for temporary boyfriends and girlfriends to accompany one during the holidays. The relationships are terminated at the end of the holidays.


Two unnamed American women created one ad that read: “We need two guys (preferably two in a bromance to match our womance) to stick around for the holidays. Our love will be fake, but epic. We want to make everyone jealous.”


If you’re single and too busy for full-time boyfriends, holidates is one way of warding off a nosey mother’s interrogations as to, “Why haven’t you got a boyfriend?”


— To learn more buzzwords, please log on to http://language.chinadaily.com.cn.

2011-12-21 09:31:55
<![CDATA[“Ear”的相关英文表达]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-12/20/content_14292549.htm “Ear”的相关英文表达

1. give/lend an ear to someone 倾听某人的心声(常用以表示同情)

例句:He tried to give a sympathetic ear to the patient.


2. fall on deaf ears 未被理睬、未受重视

例句:My advice always seems to fall on deaf ears.


3. talk one’s ear off 喋喋不休,絮叨个不停

例句:All I wanted was a chance to read my book, but my seatmate

talked my ear off .


4. make a pig’s ear of 把事情搞得很糟糕

例句:He made a pig’s ear (out) of repairing my car.


5. have big ears 耳朵尖、消息灵通;爱打听别人的事

例句:He can’t help having big ears.


6. all eyes and ears 聚精会神

例句:A detective must be all eyes and all ears.


7. grin from ear to ear 咧着嘴笑、笑逐颜开

例句:When he was told he won fi rst prize, he grinned from ear to ear.


8. play it by ear 随机应变、见机行事

例句:In dealing with that unpredictable man, you simply can’t follow a

prearranged plan. You have to play it by ear.



9. ears prick up 竖起耳朵仔细听

例句:His ears pricked up when they mentioned the salary.


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2011-12-20 10:28:07
<![CDATA[“忙”死了]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-12/16/content_14275364.htm “忙”死了

1. have/got one’s hands full 很忙,应接不暇

Three emergency cases came into the hospital at the same time and the doctors really had their hands full.


2. be up to one’s neck 忙得不可开交

I can’t possibly come out tonight, I’m up to my neck in work.


3. be as busy as a bee 忙忙碌碌,忙死忙活的

He was as busy as a bee trying to put the house in order.


4. busy as a beaver 忙得团团转

He is working so hard that he is as busy as a beaver.


5. be tied up 被占用,很忙

I’ll be tied up for the rest of the week, I am afraid.


6. in the middle of something 正忙于某事

I’m in the middle of something. Could you call back later?


7. irons in the fi re 要做的事情

Don’t put too many irons in the fi re.


— To learn more expressions, please log on to http://language.chinadaily.com.cn.

2011-12-16 09:37:21
<![CDATA[自己动手的“宜家效应”The Ikea effect]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-12/15/content_14269720.htm 自己动手的“宜家效应”

The Ikea eff ect

“The Ikea eff ect” is when people buy and then construct products themselves, then develop an attachment or sense of pride to this object.

The Ikea effect leads people to value things that they assemble, customize or build themselves more than pre-made, fi nished goods.


People are making a mistake; they believe they want to avoid labor, but they really like doing it more than they thought than they would. There’s something about imbuing a product with your own labor that makes you come to overvalue it.


— To learn more buzzwords, please log on to http://language.chinadaily.com.cn.

2011-12-15 09:45:06
<![CDATA[Reader’s question:]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-12/14/content_14262743.htm Reader’s question:

Casing the joint

Had your fill of the summer’s parching rays? If not, perhaps your skin would beg to differ. The reason why aging is so intimidating isn’t because it appears to sneak up on you like a fi rst-rate mugger. In reality, aging is more like a savvy bank robber who’s spent months casing the joint.

My comments:

“Casing the joint” is an American idiom describing the criminal activity of thieves and robbers. Joint is slang for a place, especially a meeting place. The pub on the corner, for instance, is a familiar joint. To case the joint is to look the place over, thoroughly examine it before going ahead with one’s plans to, say, ransack it. A case completely wraps up what’s inside, hence the idea that to “case” the joint is to “thoroughly” examine it, fi nding out every piece of information about the place.

To say that in reality, aging is “more like a savvy bank robber who’s spent months casing the joint” is to say that aging is a slow process.

It doesn’t happen all of a sudden. It is a gradual process. In fact, it is something that has been happening all the time.

And, yet, it happens so slowly that people often don’t notice it — until it’s too late.

Zhang Xin, who writes a column for Language Tips, has been with China Daily since 1988.

— To ask a question about learning English, please go to http://translate.chinadaily.com.cn.

2011-12-14 09:48:41
<![CDATA[你的“头像性格”是什么?]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-12/13/content_14256974.htm 你的“头像性格”是什么?

People who have been surfing the Internet for a long time may have dozens of avatars that they’ve created over the years, but more often than not, they say that the fi rst avatar you create is the most like yourself.

It’s also common for people to create an avatar who is the opposite of themselves, a virtual alter ego. Either way, when we create a character instinctually, it reveals enormous amounts about our sensitivities, personality and priorities. That is called avatar personality.


A micro blog post that defi nes aura fi elds for diff erent types of avatars has gone viral. It goes like this: A woman with a weak aura field will most likely have an avatar of a mighty female, a woman with a strong aura field will use her own photo as avatar; a man with a strong aura field usually chooses comic fi gures as his avatar, while a weak man’s avatar often is a photo of himself.


— To learn more buzzwords, please log on to http://language.chinadaily.com.cn.

2011-12-13 10:08:49
<![CDATA[Wolf dad]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-12/12/content_14249373.htm 狼爸&棍棒教育

Wolf dad


Stick parenting就是指“棍棒教育”,这是自称中国“wolf dad(狼爸)”的香港商人萧百佑所推崇的一种教育理念。去年红极一时的美国“tiger mom(虎妈)”已经遭到西方社会的普遍质疑,而萧百佑的“‘wolf dad’ approach(狼爸教育)”引起公众对education techniques(教育方式)的再次讨论。

After the roars of a “tiger mom”, a “wolf dad” again stirred controversy on “stick parenting”.


“Wolf dad(狼爸)”将traditional Chinese education(中国传统国学教育)和自己的经验相结合,以极其彪悍的教育手法将4个儿女培养成品学兼优且知书达理的好孩子,其中三个孩子相继被北京大学录取,创造了“一门三北大”的奇迹。

Stick parenting(棍棒教育)引起社会各界的反响和争论,学者们认为在这种教育方式下考入一流大学的孩子可能会有某种personality disorders(人格障碍);律师警告这种教育方式有可能违反有关domestic violence(家庭暴力)和child abuse(儿童虐待)的法律。

— To learn more hot words, please log on to http://language.chinadaily.com.cn.

2011-12-12 09:38:10
<![CDATA[感恩节逼婚 Thanksgiving Third Degree]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-12/09/content_14238182.htm 感恩节逼婚

Thanksgiving Third Degree

If you’re single, the pressures of going home on Thanksgiving Day can make you sick with anxiety. Because, no matter how much therapy you jammed into your schedule leading up to the big weekend, one can never be prepared for the Thanksgiving Third Degree, probing questions, insolent comments and looks of pity, that invariably come as aside order to the turkey.


The following are the most frequently asked questions in the Thanksgiving Third Degree:


Question 1: Is there a special someone we should know about whom you’re hiding back at home?


Question 2: What are you waiting for? Maybe you’re just being too picky.


Question 3: There must be something wrong. Are you depressed?


Question 4: Aren’t you worried you’re going to give your parents/grandparents a heart attack?


Question 5: Have you considered seeing a professional matchmaker?


— To learn more buzzwords, please log on to http://language.chinadaily.com.cn.

2011-12-09 09:34:34
<![CDATA[什么是“爱尔兰式告别”?Irish Goodbye]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-12/08/content_14231442.htm 什么是“爱尔兰式告别”?

Irish Goodbye

An Irish Goodbye is when a person leaves a bar or party or other gathering surreptitiously, without saying goodbye to anyone.

The Irish Goodbye could be a furtive sneak out the back door, “running out to get something from the car” and not returning, a trip to the bathroom that never ends, and so on. Basically, the Irish Goodbye is when you want to get away without the awkwardness or emotions of an actual goodbye or kiss on the cheek.


There’s no definitive explanation of how the Irish Goodbye got its name.

One theory holds that the Irish Goodbye originated during the Potato Famine of 1845-1852, when many Irish fl ed their homeland for the United States. At the time, distance and technology meant that when someone went to America, they were gone forever and it was unlikely they would ever again speak to or see friends or family back home. The departure was sudden and absolute.



— To learn more buzzwords, please log on to http://language.chinadaily.com.cn.

2011-12-08 09:47:00
<![CDATA[Reader’s question:]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-12/07/content_14225813.htm Reader’s question:

free rein

They seek a new career in which they can give free rein to the desire to manage and dominate others.

http://translate.chinadaily.com.cn/showQuestion. action?qid=1291321247

My comments:

“Rein” refers to the long band of leather fastened around a horse’s head to control it. Hence, to “rein the horse in”, you pull the reins to make the horse go slowly.

To have “free rein”, therefore, is to have complete freedom to do what you want. To give “free rein to the desire” to manage and dominate others is to be able to freely act on that desire.

Whether or not they can fi nd such a career that satisfi es their “desire to manage and dominate others”, however, is quite another matter altogether.

I mean, dominate others? Why do you want to do that?

Zhang Xin, who writes a column for Language Tips, has been with China Daily since 1988.

— To ask a question about learning English, please go to http://translate.chinadaily.com.cn.

2011-12-07 10:25:59
<![CDATA[有钱也吝啬的 Cheapskate]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-12/06/content_14218964.htm 有钱也吝啬的


A cheapskate is a stingy person who buys cheap things rather than higher-quality pricier items, even though they can aff ord the more expensive goods. Perhaps they try to not spend much on their friends.

The word isn’t particularly off ensive and is often intended to ridicule in a light-hearted manner.


The term is of North American origin. Skate began to appear in print in the United States at the end of the 19th century. It has several meanings, including a mean or contemptible person and a second-rate sportsman. Cheap was added later to refer to a person’s tightfi sted nature rather than any of his other perceived inadequacies.


— To learn more buzzwords, please log on to http://language.chinadaily.com.cn.

2011-12-06 10:41:37
<![CDATA[APEC峰会“全家福”服装秀 Costume shot]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-12/05/content_14212831.htm APEC峰会“全家福”服装秀

Costume shot


据外电报道,美国总统奥巴马表示APEC峰会上的元首costume shot(“全家福”服装秀)不再成为必需的一项内容,costume shot就是指a “family photo” in some garb representative of the host country.

US President Barack Obama, as the host this year, packed away for good the two-decade tradition of having the group pose for a “family photo” in some garb representative of the host country.


奥巴马在Asia- Pacifi c Economic Cooperation (APEC) 19th informal leadership meeting (APEC第十九次领导人非正式会议)闭幕后召开的

记者会上回答提问时表示,他希望能打破传统,虽然发给每位领导人Hawaiian shirts(夏威夷花衬衫),但没有规定他们必须在“family photo”(合影)时穿上。

— To learn more hot words, please log on to http://language.chinadaily.com.cn.

2011-12-05 09:52:45
<![CDATA[滴酒不沾的人 teetotaler]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-12/01/content_14194752.htm 滴酒不沾的人


Teetotalism refers to either the practice of or the promotion of complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages. A person who practices (and possibly advocates) teetotalism is called a teetotaler or is simply said to be teetotal.


Some common reasons for choosing to be a teetotaler are related to religion, health, family, or social and, sometimes, simply a matter of taste or preference. When at drinking establishments, teetotallers either abstain from drinking or consume nonalcoholic beverages, such as tea, coff ee, water, juice, soft drinks and mocktails.


— To learn more buzzwords, please log on to http://language.chinadaily.com.cn.

2011-12-01 09:31:36
<![CDATA[PS generation 假面时代]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-11/30/content_14186670.htm PS generation


PS generation describes the phenomenon that many people would like to polish their photos to perfection with Photoshop software before uploading them to social networking websites or micro blogs, which may show others a manmade beautiful image but might also become a target of online mocking. And frequent use of Photoshop may also lead to a tendency of pretence in daily life, keeping everything real to oneself and pretending to be someone else all the time.

“假面时代”(PS generation)专指多数人将照片用PS软件处理过后才上传到社交网站或微博等网络平台。假面时代除了向人展示伪装后的美丽外表,有时还有可能成为网友恶搞的对象。而习惯伪装照片的背后,很多人更开始伪装自己的言谈举止,把真实的自己隐藏起来,整天以假面示人。

— To learn more buzzwords, please log on to http://language.chinadaily.com.cn.

2011-11-30 09:31:59
<![CDATA[Reader’s question:]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-11/29/content_14180041.htm Reader’s question:

bear the brunt of

I have tried to make this point clear today because you have to work on the front lines, bearing the brunt of all difficulties.

My comments:

“Brunt” is the principal force of an attack or the greater part of a burden.

The point being made “clear today” is that “because you have to work on the front lines” (handling day-to-day tasks), you get to face all the difficulties or “bear the brunt” (the most diffi cult part) of them.

The front lines, of course, are where real battles are fought, where blood is actually shed. In a way, that’s where the brunt of the burden of fighting a war really lies.

Come to think of it, if all warmongers are forced to send their own sons and daughters to the front lines, and better yet, if all politicians who wage wars are themselves forced to fight in the front lines, there’d be no wars. Or many fewer of them at any rate.

Zhang Xin, who writes a column for Language Tips, has been with China Daily since 1988.

— To ask a question about learning English, please go to http://translate.chinadaily.com.cn.

2011-11-29 10:01:01
<![CDATA[孝道 filial piety]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-11/28/content_14172704.htm 孝道 filial piety


Filial piety就是“孝道”,由儒家创始人孔子提出,并提倡,filial piety is one of the virtues to be held above all else(百善孝为先),强调the responsibility to care for, respect and obey parents(照顾、尊敬并顺从父母之责)。

The special committee of fi lial piety under the China National Association for Ethical Studies announced on Sunday that it aims to help 1 million children between the ages of 4 and 6 learn about fi lial piety, which is deeply rooted in China’s traditional culture.


这个百万小孝子工程计划培养出100万名fi lial children(孝子),尽管original intention(初衷)很好,但是否真能培养出孝子,就不得而知了。

近年来,中国传统文化日益受到重视和发扬,例如让学生穿上traditional Han costumes(汉服),举行coming-of-age ceremony(成人礼),给入学的孩子举行first writing ceremony(开笔礼)等。

— To learn more hot words, please log on to http://language.chinadaily.com.cn.

2011-11-28 09:35:57
<![CDATA[你有“睡眠负债”吗?]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-11/25/content_14161027.htm 你有“睡眠负债”吗?

Sleep debt is the cumulative eff ect of not getting enough sleep over time. A large sleep debt may lead to mental and physical fatigue.

睡眠负债(sleep debt)指长期睡眠不足产生的影响。睡眠负债过多可能会导致精神或身体疲惫。

There are presumed to be two kinds of sleep debt, caused by partialsleep deprivation or total sleep deprivation. Partial sleep deprivation occurs when a person sleeps too little for many days or weeks. Total sleep deprivation means being kept awake for days or weeks.


A long-term sleep debt may cause emotional upheaval, compromise work performance, and weaken memory, alertness, attention and judgment. It may also speed up the ageing process and lead to disease.


— To learn more buzzwords, please log on to http://language.chinadaily.com.cn.

2011-11-25 09:34:20
<![CDATA[The Mute Age]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-11/24/content_14153656.htm 我们进入了“默声”时代

The Mute Age

Talking to a colleague sitting next to you through instant messaging instead of vocal communication; mass texting friends and relatives with downloaded festival greetings instead of calling them in person; e-mailing work reports to your boss without worrying about getting punched in the face and saving printing resources for your company at the same time. Does any of this sound familiar to you? Yes, this is what we are doing every day. We’ve entered the mute age.


— To learn more buzzwords, please log on to http://language.chinadaily.com.cn.

2011-11-24 09:51:58
<![CDATA[Reader’s question]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-11/23/content_14146573.htm Reader’s question:

cross one’s path

They steal, they rob, they swindle; no one dares to cross their path.


My comments:

If you cross the street, you go from one side of it to the other. If you cross someone’s path, hence, you encounter that person and see him face to face while crossing the route along which he is walking.

“They steal, they rob, they swindle”…. “They” sound like gangsters or, figuratively speaking, Wall Street bankers. Both are powerful people.

They’re bullies.“No one dares to cross their path” — nobody dares to confront them, to stand in their way to stop them or to say what they’re doing is wrong.

Zhang Xin, who writes a column for Language Tips, has been with China Daily since 1988.

2011-11-23 09:35:01
<![CDATA[“Break”的相关表达]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-11/22/content_14140125.htm 1. break up 分手/解散

Four months ago, my girlfriend and I broke up.


2. break down 精神崩溃/毁坏

The machine might break down at this busy hour.


3. break in 破门而入

Robbers often break in at midnight.


4. break out 出皮疹/爆发

The baby broke out in a rash.


5. break through 突破/穿过

The sun broke through the clouds.


6. break the ice 打破僵局/破冰

The host told a joke to his guest to break the ice.


7. break the bank 太贵

Come on! One evening at the theater won’t break the bank.

得啦! 看一晚上戏不会倾家荡产的。

2011-11-22 09:56:04
<![CDATA[“微博辟谣”英文怎么说]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-11/19/content_14123850.htm 微博诞生以来,这种灵活机动的即时交流发布平台迅速走红,但一些垃圾信息、八卦、恶搞甚至谣言也随之而来。为了与各路谣言正面对决,去年11月,新浪微博专门组建了辟谣小组,并开通辟谣账号,公布真相,净化了网络生态。

Weibo Refutes Rumors就是新浪“微博辟谣”频道的英文说法,也可以称为rumor refutal。

For example:

Sina said it has created a separate channel dubbed “Weibo Refutes Rumors” to spread denials of false information. It announced an e-mail address for users to send reports of possible falsehoods.

新浪网表示已创建单独的“微博辟谣”频道,告知用户哪些是虚假信息。新浪还专设了举报邮箱,供用户举报疑似虚假消息。谣言散布群体常称为rumor mill(谣言工厂,流言簿)。Rumor也可以直接作动词,比如It is rumored that she has committed suicide.(据传闻,她已自杀身亡。)微博(microblog)属于一种We-Media(自媒体)。在微博发展过程中,微博抄袭现象大量存在,微博版权事件频频出现,这被称为copy culture(复制文化)。微博不仅仅是信息传播的宠儿,更是“微博问政”的利器。写微博不能超过140个字,而两人在路上偶遇,停下来闲聊不超140秒就称为microvisit(微访)。

2011-11-19 09:52:08
<![CDATA[Reader’s question: tribute projects]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-11/18/content_14116924.htm These so-called tribute projects are intended to show the outside world what the particular region, or country in general, are capable of achieving.

They have also been publicity ornaments used by local offi cials to boost their standing.

My comments:

Tribute is the thing to grasp here. Tribute projects pay tribute to something, i.e. praise something. Or in other words, such projects are meant to be a tribute to something or someone. They make a city or region, or more likely its leader look good.

Or, in Chinese vernacular, “image projects”. In other words, a project may cost a lot of money and may not be all that useful or essential to improving the livelihood of the people but it is a big project and, supposedly, will help improve the city’s public image, whatever that is.

More importantly, it supposedly will make city offi cials look good when they talk about it in the newspaper.

And don’t forget the money. Money plays a big role in tribute projects, which are usually funded by the tax payer.

Zhang Xin, who writes a column for Language Tips, has been with China Daily since 1988.

2011-11-18 09:51:56
<![CDATA[个性十足的“后窗文化”]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-11/17/content_14110537.htm Many people like to put stickers or posters on the rear windows of their cars, which can show the unique personality of the car owners. This started a trend known as “rear window culture”.


There are diff erent types of posters people like to put on their rear windows. Some warn the vehicles driving behind them, with statements such as “Don’t follow me, I lost my way too”, “Baby in car” and “Stop pursuing, I’m married”.


Some are just make jokes of themselves, such as “Newbie on road, no threatening please”, “Oops, I don’t know which one is the brake pedal”, or “After you”.


2011-11-17 10:02:01
<![CDATA[你参加过“辞职面试”吗?]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-11/16/content_14103509.htm 辞职面试(exit interview)指雇主对即将离职的员工进行的面试。这种面试通常会采取书面表格、电话、会面或者网络的方式进行。有些公司会选择请第三方来进行辞职面试,然后提供反馈信息。

The purpose of an exit interview is to gather employees’ feedback on the work experience in order to improve working conditions and retain employees. Other uses for exit interviews include improving work productivity, providing an early warning about sexual harassment, workplace violence and discrimination issues and measuring the success of diversity initiatives.


Common questions include reasons for leaving, job satisfaction, frustrations and feedback concerning company policies or procedures.

Questions may relate to the work environment, supervisors, compensation, the work itself and the company culture.


2011-11-16 09:26:33
<![CDATA[“无所谓”的几种表达]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-11/15/content_14096979.htm 1. be ok (fi ne) with 对⋯⋯无碍,不要紧

Whatever you think is fi ne with me.


2. give a damn 不在乎, 不感兴趣(永远用于否定形式)

He couldn’t give a damn whether he passes the exam or not.


3. suit yourself 随你的便;按自己的意愿行事

You don’t want to join the club? Oh well, suit yourself.

你不愿意参加俱乐部是吗? 那好,随你的便吧。

4. I don’t care 我不在乎

I don’t care what she thinks.


5. do whatever you want 爱咋咋地

I have no doubt about that. You can always do whatever you want.


6. as you wish/if you want 随你吧

As for your department’s plan, you can change as you wish.


7. whatever 管他呢

I totally have no idea how to fi le my tax return, whatever.


2011-11-15 10:01:42
<![CDATA[Cutback on TV entertainment]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-11/14/content_14089177.htm 10月25日,广电总局正式下发通知管理上星频道。2012年1月1日起,婚恋、涉案等7类节目被限;卫视晚7:30-10:00黄金档每周娱乐节目不超两档;全国省级卫视一年选秀类节目不超10档,类型不得重复;省级卫视须设一档道德节目。

Cutback on TV entertainment 就是指“限娱令”,也可以用cap the amount of entertainment programs来表述。

For example:

China has issued a cutback on TV entertainment, which will limit the number of entertainment programs, including everything from matchmaking game shows to dance broadcasts.


今后,地方卫视将制作更多的morality-building programming(道德建设类节目),宣传traditional virtues(传统道德)和socialist core values(社会主义核心价值观)。

电视台在制作节目时不能只考虑audience viewing fi gures(收视率)。在prime time(黄金时段)的娱乐节目数量大幅缩减,尤其是那些excessive entertainment(过度娱乐)和low taste(低级趣味)的节目,包括matchmaking programs(婚恋交友类)、talent contests(才艺竞秀类),talk shows(访谈脱口秀)和reality shows(真人秀)等节目。

2011-11-14 09:25:57
<![CDATA[“穿越式聚会”Time travel party]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-11/11/content_14077172.htm A “time travel party” is a new type of class reunion staged by people born

after 1980.


Participants take a photo showing a “version 1.0” of themselves — that is, a photo of themselves taken during their school days. Everyone poses for a new photo replicating the old as closely as possible. They will often wear the same clothes, strike the same pose and stand with the same people as in the original. The experience takes them back to the “good old days”.


2011-11-11 09:34:59
<![CDATA[Reader’s question]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-11/10/content_14070345.htm Reader’s question:

off the beaten track

Journalists travel off the beaten track to give news a diff erent perspective.

My comments:

The “beaten track” is the road most people travel by. In the beginning, there is no road. Gradually, people create tracks by beating them into the ground with their feet as they walk — hence, the term, “the beaten track”.

To go off this track is to go sideways, like a train going off the rail. Well, no one wants to see a train go off the rail. But for journalists, this term means they do not copy one another’s work. They look for new angles, do their own investigations and dig out hidden materials and, thus, give news a “diff erent perspective”.

In other words, they do not write the same old stories that everyone else has already done. The same old boring stuff , that is.

Zhang Xin, who writes a column for Language Tips, has been with China Daily since 1988.

2011-11-10 09:24:06
<![CDATA[你有“午饭恐惧症”吗?]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-11/09/content_14062440.htm “Lunch phobia” is a new Internet buzzword. It refers to people who do not know what to eat and who to eat with.


Many employees have to go out for lunch because their companies don’t have canteens. “Where?” and “what?” become two of the most spoken words at the time. What’s more, some employees are not as sociable and spend lunchtime alone. For them, lunchtime is not interesting but, rather embarrassing.


2011-11-09 09:20:31
<![CDATA[“搞砸了”英文表达集锦]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-11/08/content_14055125.htm 1. screw up 弄糟, 搞砸

She screwed up and had to do it all over again.


2. goof up 出大错,把⋯⋯搞乱

Don’t goof up.


3. blow it 搞砸

Why did you blow it?


4. play the devil with 把⋯⋯搞乱

The delay on the track has played the devil with the train timetable.


5. ruin it 搞砸,弄坏

She poured water all over my painting and ruined it.


6. foul up 搞砸

Our plans were fouled up by the bad weather.


7. make a hash of 弄糟

They’ve made a hash of their financial aff airs.


2011-11-08 09:24:46
<![CDATA[文明监督队 civility monitor group]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-11/07/content_14048011.htm 年内,北京市将整合66.5万首都治安志愿者和50余万社区志愿者,在全市2633个社区开展市民劝导活动,配合政府职能部门,解决城市管理、社区环境、社区治安、矛盾化解等方面存在的问题。

Civility monitor group字面意思为“文明监督队”,其实就是最近北京市倡导的“市民劝导队”。

For example:

The “civility monitor group,” unlike law enforcement offi cials, will try to stop uncivilized behavior through reasoning and gentle words.


他们的主要职责是:asking residents to stop uncivilized behavior(规劝居民停止不文明行为),patrolling communities for security(社区安全巡逻), trying to resolve disputes between residents(化解居民矛盾),helping residents in need(居民互助),以及 promoting laws and rules(宣传法律法规)等。

Civility多指“礼仪;客套”,如 do business with civility(文明经商)。再看一个例句,We exchanged a few civilities.(我们相互寒暄了几句。

2011-11-07 09:29:31
<![CDATA[NBA“停摆”Lockout]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-11/04/content_14036299.htm 由于劳资双方矛盾,造成NBA“停摆”局面,并已取消新赛季头两周的常规赛。19日,NBA劳资双方将展开新一轮谈判。此次谈判的结果将决定联赛是否能在12月开打。


For example:

The NBA has already canceled its pre-season and the first two weeks of the regular season because of the protracted lockout and the two sides are scheduled to meet with federal mediator George Cohen on Tuesday.

由于停摆时间的延长,NBA已经取消了它的季前赛和头两周的常规赛,双方定于周二同联邦调停员乔治?科恩会面。这次“停摆”的主要原因就是labor dispute(劳资纠纷)。因为这次停摆,NBA已经取消了本赛季的pre-season games(季前赛)和头两周的regular season games(常规赛)。

2011-11-04 09:24:53
<![CDATA[听说过“油领”吗?]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-11/03/content_14029177.htm 在蓝领、白领、粉领等各种颜色的领充斥职场的时候,我们惊奇地发现了另一种“领”。他们不属于调色板上的任何一种颜色,因为他们是“油领”。

Fuel collar refers to those either in the travel industry or who very regularly travel as a part of their job, such as door to door salesmen, field salesmen, airline pilots, etc. They spend the bulk of their time traveling, consuming a lot of fuel.

Fuel collar(油领)指那些就职于旅游行业或者工作经常需要出行的人,例如,入户推销员、区域销售员、飞行员等。他们大部分时间都在旅途中度过,会耗费大量燃油。由此得名为fuel collar。

For example:

Her boyfriend is a fuel collar. He works for an airline company and travels a lot.


2011-11-03 09:29:32
<![CDATA[摩地大楼 Earth-scraper]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-11/02/content_14021547.htm Architects have designed an incredible 65-story‘earth-scraper’, which plunges 300 meters below ground. The stunning upside-down pyramid in the middle of Mexico City is designed to get around height limits on new buildings in the capital.


The subterranean building will have 10 stories for homes, shops and a museum, and 35 more stories for offi ces. The earth-scraper preserves the iconic presence of the city square and the existing hierarchy of the buildings that surround it. It is an inverted pyramid with a central void to allow all habitable spaces to enjoy natural lighting and ventilation.


2011-11-02 09:39:45
<![CDATA[Reader’s question: At the forefront of]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-11/01/content_14014082.htm We are determined to actively contribute to strengthening NPT mechanisms at the forefront of such international efforts.

Could you explain, “at the forefront of”?

My comments:

At the forefront means to be at the front of or to be leading the way. Fore means front, and so why then does forefront have a diff erent meaning? Fore, as in the phrase, “to the fore”, means to move toward the front of. It might have originally come from golf.

When a player tees off (makes the opening shot), he walks forward, leaving behind other players and spectators. So, the phrase “to the fore”, metaphorically means that someone steps forward or wants to assert himself.

Zhang Xin, who writes a column for Language Tips, has been with China Daily since 1988

2011-11-01 09:39:47
<![CDATA[Reader’s question]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-10/31/content_14006610.htm Seat warmer

Analysts have long speculated that Dmitry Medvedev is merely a “seatwarmer” while Vladamir Putin serves as Prime Minister.

My comments:

“Seat warmer” is originally a sports term. In many team sports, such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, etc, you see a fi xed number of players playing at any given time during a game. Basketball, for example, is fi ve on fi ve, soccer 11 against 11, while for volleyball, it’s six versus six.

However, teams carry more than those numbers of players, in case of injuries. But more importantly, they carry more players to serve as reserves,  or substitutes, as they’re called in games.

A basketball team, for instance, is allowed to carry 12 players, with only five as starters - the rest are reserves, or bench or seat warmers - so called because they sit mostly on the team bench as they do not get to play. They seldom leave their seat - hence warming the seat up with their body temperature.

Medvedev being merely a seat warmer means, therefore, that he doesn’t run Russia - he occupies the seat of the President while Putin serves as Prime Minster.

Putin, these analysts suggest, is the one who calls the shots in Russia and he may return to take back the seat of the President someday.

This is democracy, Russian style.

Zhang Xin, who writes a column for Language Tips, has been with China Daily since 1988.

2011-10-31 09:57:11
<![CDATA[理财产品 Wealth investment product]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-10/28/content_13993478.htm 存款利率跑不过CPI,股市又一片飘绿,不少居民把钱用来购买各种理财产品,希望能保值增值,但这其中也暗藏风险。近日银监会正式公布了《商业银行理财产品销售管理办法》,对理财产品销售进行约束。

Wealth investment product就是指“理财产品”,也可以用wealth management product来表示,指由商业银行自行设计并发行,将募集到的资金根据产品合同约定投入相关金融市场及购买相关金融产品,获取投资收益后,根据合同约定分配给投资人的一类理财产品。

For example:

The China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC), the nation’s banking regulator, on Oct 9, unveiled new measures to improve regulations over banks’ wealth investment products.


2011-10-28 09:28:17
<![CDATA[十一“红色炸弹”满天飞 Red bombs]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-10/27/content_13986240.htm “十一”黄金周婚礼邀请喜帖的连番来袭让很多人视为“连环红色炸弹”。然而,随着物价上涨,结婚的新人同样叫苦不迭,称婚庆市场全面涨价,唯有礼金没有上涨,现在结婚收的礼金甚至无法承担婚礼开销。

Red bombs(红色炸弹)即wedding invitation card(婚礼请柬),因请柬为红色,收到请柬一般都要破费,所以俗称“红色炸弹”。

For example:

The 25-year-old Shanghai native Liu Yiwei has had an exhausting holiday during the past seven days. Rather than traveling or working overtime, she was busy hopping from one wedding to giving out against “red bombs”, or piles of cash.


被红色炸弹“炸”到的人就要准备好给新婚夫妇的gift money(礼金),俗称份子钱。如今随着80后一代纷纷到了prime marriage age(适婚年龄),一到marriage season(结婚旺季)“红色炸弹”多得让人望而生畏。

2011-10-27 09:48:11
<![CDATA[省钱又环保的“垃圾时尚”Trashion]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-10/26/content_13978407.htm Trashion (a portmanteau of “trash” and “fashion”) is a term for art, jewelry, fashion and objects for the home created from used, thrown-out, found and repurposed elements.


Initially trashion was used to describe art-couture costume usually linked to contests or fashion shows. The term is now widely used in creative circles to describe any wearable item or accessory that is constructed using all or part materials that have been recycled, including clothing that has been reconditioned.


2011-10-26 09:34:40
<![CDATA[职场新潮流“站立办公”Stand-working]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-10/25/content_13969768.htm Your chair is your enemy. It doesn’t matter if you go running every morning, or you’re a regular at the gym. If you spend most of the day sitting — in your car, your offi ce chair, your sofa — you are putting yourself at increased risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, a variety of cancers and an early death.


So what’s the solution if your job requires you to spend a lot of time in front of a computer? Stand- working! Stand-working can help you resolve your back problems. You’ll have more energy and can concentrate better.


2011-10-25 10:24:27
<![CDATA[试着做个“潜水艇父母”吧 Submarine parents]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-10/21/content_13947202.htm Submarines usually remain underwater, out of sight. In the event of an emergency, they can surface and do so quickly.

“Submarine parents” also remain out of sight, yet can pop up in the case of an emergency. “Submarine parents” will lay out a variety of school lunch supplies and encourage their child to pack his/her own lunch. If the child packs only chips and carrot sticks, he/she will be hungry and learn to pack a bigger lunch the next day.


“Submarine parents” are the kind to buy a sturdy and comfortable stroller at a garage sale. As soon as the child starts to walk, the stroller is re-sold at a garage sale and kids get exercise by walking.


2011-10-21 09:37:57
<![CDATA[The rule of the jungle]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-10/20/content_13939322.htm Reader’s question:

The rule of the jungle

This is the law of — more precisely, the rule of — the jungle. Sure, the US is by far and away the biggest cat in that jungle.

My comments:

The jungle refers to the big forest with many large plants growing close and thick together amongst which diverse animals thrive, although some merely try to survive. Here the Darwinian law of “survival of the fittest” applies. The strong prey on the weak - beat them and eat them.

In human politics, the rule of the jungle is equivalent to the saying “might is right”. In other words, stronger nations can do whatever they want to smaller and weaker nations, moral or immoral.

“Sure, the US is by far and way the biggest cat in the jungle” - America,as the single superpower, does just that.

Zhang Xin, who writes a column for Language Tips, has been with China Daily since 1988.

2011-10-20 09:56:21
<![CDATA[何为“口袋技能”?Pocket skills]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-10/19/content_13931475.htm Pocket skills are skills that are needed in all workplaces no matter what industry you are in, such as thinking and communication skills. For instance, thinking skills may help you quickly get the main idea of a report, point out the drawbacks and offer advice for improvements; and when there is a disagreement or conflict, your communication skills may enable you to deal with it.

所谓“口袋技能”(pocket skills),就是无论身处哪一行业,哪些岗位,都能随时拿出来用的技能。例如思维能力,给你看一份报告,你能否简练地概括其内容,指出存在的缺陷,提出改进意见。又如沟通能力,当别人不同意你的做法时,或者双方观点发生冲突时,该如何应付。

Many companies are more concerned about pocket skills such as teamwork than specifi c majors, except for research and development positions.


2011-10-19 09:43:20
<![CDATA[“穿越剧”英文怎么说? Time-travel TV series]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-10/18/content_13923069.htm 从不久前创下收视高峰的《宫》到现在热播的《步步惊心》,穿越剧成了当下众人追捧的对象,“穿越迷”也越来越多。尽管人们对穿越剧褒贬不一,但是穿越剧的收视持续走高却是不争的事实。

时下火爆荧屏的“穿越剧”就是time-travel TV series,穿越剧是以人物穿越时空为线索的电视剧,许多穿越剧都改编自hot online novels(热门网络小说)。

For example:

The time-travel series bu bu jing xin, or Startling by Each Step, has been showing on TV since September 10. Ratings for the show rose to nearly 7 percent in the fi rst two days. It was searched on the Internet more than 1 million times in the fi rst three days. Most viewers gave the show high marks.


《步步惊心》所改编的原著就是Internet writer(网络作家)创作的time-travel novel(穿越小说)。除了穿越剧外,现在最受欢迎的电视剧类型还有spy drama(谍战剧)、courtroom drama / legal thriller(案情剧)和idol drama(偶像剧)等。

2011-10-18 09:51:06
<![CDATA[超级水稻Super grain]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-10/17/content_13912480.htm 杂交水稻之父袁隆平院士指导的超级稻第三期目标亩产900公斤高产攻关获得成功,其隆回县百亩试验田亩产达到926.6公斤,成为名副其实的“超级水稻”。

Super grain就是“超级水稻”,指的是在yield(产量)、grain quality(米质)、resistance(抗性)等主要方面均显著超过现有水稻品种的水稻。

For example:

Yuan Longping, China’s leading agricultural scientist, realized one of his 80th birthday wishes recently when his super grain brought yields of 13.9 tons a hectare, setting a new world record for rice output.


2011-10-17 09:42:19
<![CDATA[On the go]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-10/14/content_13897946.htm Reader’s question:

“Smartphone owners are using their phones to get fast access to locationrelevant information on the go,” said Kathryn Zickuhr, co-author of the Pew report.

My comments:

The good thing about English is that virtually every verb can be used as a noun, which is not unlike ancient Chinese, of course, and which is as it should be. “On the go” hence means on the move, while you’re traveling, going from place to place. By extension, “on the go” may also mean when you’re busy and active, when you have something in hand, when you’re not free and idle.

Smartphone owners are using their phones to get fast access to “location-relevant information” on the go? “Location-relevant information” simply means where the place you’re going to is located and how you are supposed to get there.

Suppose you’re going to the zoo. By using one of the many smartphone applications, such as Google Map, you can get to see where it is on your screen.

Zhang Xin, who writes a column for Language Tips, has been with China Daily since 1988.

2011-10-14 09:56:41
<![CDATA[可口可乐化Coca-colonization]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-10/13/content_13883244.htm Coca-colonization is a term that refers to globalization or cultural colonization. It is a portmanteau of the name of the multinational soft drink maker Coca-Cola and the word colonization.


The term is used to imply either the importation of Western (particularly American) goods, or an invasion by Western, especially American cultural  values, which threaten the local culture.


It gained visibility in the European-Americanization debate with the 1994 publication of Reinhold Wagnleitner’s book, Coca-Colonization and the Cold War: The Cultural Mission of the United States in Austria After the World War II. The expression also became a catchphrase of the anti-globalization movement.


2011-10-13 09:57:29
<![CDATA[“纠结”的几种英文表达]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-10/12/content_13875822.htm 1. be in a dilemma

It seems you are in a dilemma.


2. You just can’t get over...

The French soccer fans can’t get over their national team’s defeat in the World Cup 2002.


3. dwell on something

We shouldn’t dwell on a person’s past mistakes.


4. take something to heart

Don’t take such small things to heart.


5. be torn

She was torn between her responsibility to her children and the demands

of her career.


2011-10-12 09:53:24
<![CDATA[《新闻联播》“改版”Makeover]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-10/11/content_13867537.htm 每晚7点准时响起的《新闻联播》开播声,是很多家庭再熟悉不过的音乐。但是明年一月,这段播了23年的片头曲就要和大家说再见了。日前举行的央视2012年节目资源推介会透露,央视《新闻联播》将进行改版。


For example:

Xinwen Lianbo, which runs every night at 7 pm on CCTV 1 and all provincial satellite channels, is expected to get new faces and a new focus in the makeover.


此次改版除了要把opening theme(片头曲)换掉之外,还要增加欧阳夏丹、郎永淳两位70后news anchors(新闻主播)。据悉,欧阳夏丹和郎永淳在21日上午已经录制了demo(样片)。

改版后的《新闻联播》将把in-studio reporting(播音室报道)、guest interviews(嘉宾访谈)和on-the-spot reports(现场报道)结合在一起。调查数据显示,《新闻联播》是我国most authoritative news programs(最权威的新闻节目),拥有数百万loyal viewers(忠实观众)。

2011-10-11 09:33:36
<![CDATA[微博“复制文化” Copy culture]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-10/10/content_13860799.htm 在微博发展过程中,微博抄袭现象大量存在,微博版权事件频频出现。

在微博这个分享平台上,“复制不转发”的用户们忠实履行着“分享”的义务,如同完成任务一般 ,复制文化”盛行,版权问题频现。

Copy culture就是“复制文化”,指的就是直接将他人的原创微博不署名地进行复制以个人名义发布,属于“标准的抄袭”,涉及侵犯copyright(版权/著作权)的问题。Copyright本身属于一种Intellectual Property Right(知识产权)。

For example:

When a massive downpour hit Beijing on June 23, it took just a few minutes for a photograph taken by micro-blogger Yang Di to be forwarded thousands of times on the Internet. Yang’s story is just one example of the “copy culture” that is becoming rampant among micro-bloggers.


Micro blog(微博)属于一种me-media(自媒体),发布微博的人称为micro-blogger(博主)。很多网友不核查消息源,也不注意署名,盲目点击forward(转发),这样会造成谣言的扩散。这里的forward也常用于邮件和短信中。

2011-10-10 10:26:45
<![CDATA[学生“步行巴士” Walking bus]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-09/30/content_13824796.htm A walking bus is a large group of kids who walk to and from school, supervised by two or more adults and considered as a healthy and environmentally-friendly option. A group of volunteer parents organize themselves to take their turn in chaperoning the children, one filling the role of the driver, who leads the group, and the other the conductor, who follows at the back. Like conventional buses, walking bus have designated “bus stops” and scheduled “pick-up times”.

步行巴士(walking bus)指一群孩子在两个以上大人的护送下步行上下学的方式,被认为是一种健康又环保的出行方式。参与“步行巴士”的家长会自发组织起来轮流护送孩子们,一名大人会充当“司机”的角色走在前面带领整个队伍,另外一名则充当售票员跟在队伍后面。而且,“步行巴士”和传统的巴士一样也设有车站和接站时刻。

The walking bus idea originated in the United Kingdom, and the expression has been in general use there since 2004. Walking bus initiatives have proved extremely popular and eff ective in the UK. More recently, walking buses have gained a level of popularity in the United States, Australia and New Zealand.

“步行巴士”这一理念来自于英国,而walking bus这个表达自2004年起就开始广泛使用了。目前,这一做法在英国已很普遍,而且证实卓有成效。近几年,在美国、澳大利亚及新西兰等国也开始得到一定认可。

2011-09-30 10:05:02
<![CDATA[救命手足 Savior sibling]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-09/29/content_13816122.htm A savior sibling (or saviour sibling) is a child who is born to provide an organ or cell transplant to a sibling that is aff ected with a fatal disease that can best be treated by hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

Savior sibling指生下来就是为了给患有致命疾病的兄弟姐妹提供器官或细胞移植的小孩,译为“救命手足”。患病一方一般都需要通过造血干细胞移植才能治愈。

The savior sibling is conceived through In Vitro Fertilization. Fertilized zygotes are tested for genetic compatibility, and only zygotes that are compatible with the existing child are implanted. Zygotes are also tested to make sure they are free of the original genetic disease.


The term savior sibling is likely to have controversial overtones for some time. Some disagree with the idea on ethical grounds, arguing that the long-term social and emotional eff ects on the donor sibling are unknown.

Savior sibling这个说法一直以来都颇受争议。有人从道德角度对其进行批判,认为捐献器官的孩子长期受到的社会和情感影响是外人无从得知的。

2011-09-29 09:51:05
<![CDATA[On the fence]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-09/28/content_13808054.htm Reader’s question:

First-year American Idol judge Jennifer Lopez says she’s “on the fence” about returning to Fox’s competition series for a second season.

My comments:

This is a short variation from the idiom “sitting on the fence”.

Two neighboring households, say, are engaged in a back-yard shouting match and you have come to help them make peace. Their back yards are separated by a fence. To give the appearance of being neutral, you climb onto the fence and observe the dispute from there.

That’s you sitting on a fence in a good-neighborly dispute. What if it’s a war between too countries? Sitting on the fence in that situation means that you’re not taking sides in their dispute.

Zhang Xin, who writes a column for Language Tips, has been with China Daily since 1988.

2011-09-28 09:58:17
<![CDATA[控制狂人 Control freak]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-09/27/content_13799569.htm 1. My brother is a control freak.


2. He tries to dictate how everything around him is done.


3. He has fi ngers in every pie and works them to the bone in the



4. His wife is a real bossy boots at home.


5. Her children are totally under her thumb.


6. He really loves to boss people around.


7. He became demandingly dominant over the years.


2011-09-27 10:08:26
<![CDATA[如何与老外聊电影]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-09/26/content_13793922.htm 1. The special eff ects were amazing. And I like the fantastic settings and other-worldly costumes, weapons and creatures. 特技太赞了。我喜欢电影里的美妙背景、以及充满外星风味的服饰,武器和生物。

2. It is another rude, crude R-rated comedy with the expected and familiar racial jokes, gay jokes, penis jokes. Nothing new. 这部片不过是又一部粗俗的、制作粗糙的限制级喜剧,里面的种族笑话、同性恋笑话、性笑话都是听过的,了无新意。

3. I think Nicolas Cage is great. He’s got character. He can act with a lot of depth. 我觉得尼古拉斯·凯奇很棒。他很有个性,演得也很有深度。

4. They ruined the movie when they dubbed it into Chinese from English. I would rather have seen it in English with Chinese sub-titles. 那些中文的配音几乎毁了那部电影。我还是更喜欢听英文原声,配上中文字幕就行了。

5. Mrs Doubtfi re is very touching. You would have to be a “concrete zombie” to have avoided laughing or crying. 《窈窕奶爸》非常感人,如果你看的时候既没笑也没哭那你可真算得上是铁石心肠了。

2011-09-26 14:27:48
<![CDATA[玻璃雨 Glass rain]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-09/23/content_13777573.htm 玻璃雨指高空建筑物的玻璃幕墙爆裂,无数玻璃碎片从高空落下的事件。

For example:

High temperatures are blamed for the cracking of safety glass in those cases, but experts said the fundamental cause of “glass rain” is the government’s inattention to the safety of glass curtain walls.


看似现代感十足的glass curtain walls(玻璃幕墙),早在上世纪初就被发明,近年来逐渐出现在中国的central business district(CBD,中央商务区)。然而,这种玻璃幕墙却存在种种drawbacks(缺点):巨大的玻璃幕墙在太阳光下熠熠闪光,会造成严重的light pollution(光污染),这不仅造成大量的energy consumption(能源消耗), 容易induce traffic accident(引发交通事故),还使人产生dizzy (头晕)、anxious(焦虑)、impaired vision(视力下降),depression(情绪低落)等症状。

近两个月,国内发生了多起玻璃幕墙坠落事故。专家称,造成这些事故的原因是多方面的:包括engineering design(工程设计),material uality(材料质量),workmanship(技术水平)等。

2011-09-23 10:09:23
<![CDATA[Wild guess]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-09/22/content_13768024.htm Wild guess

Reader’s question:

This is just a wild guess, but maybe it was all those hours you spent practicing over the past month.

My comments:

A guess is a rough estimation, an attempt to answer a question or make a judgment about something without having all the necessary facts, so that you’re not sure whether you’re correct.

In other words, a conjecture.

Wild guess?

Hence a wild guess sounds even more out of control, crazy, suggesting you’re making a guess without careful consideration of the matter at all.

This is just my wild guess - maybe it was the rain. Blame it on rain.

Just kidding.

Zhang Xin, who writes a column for Language Tips, has been with China Daily since 1988.

2011-09-22 10:32:55
<![CDATA[“剧透”英文怎么说?Spoiler]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-09/21/content_13748463.htm Spoiler is a piece of information about a fi lm, book or electronic game which can spoil the enjoyment of someone experiencing it for the first time.


This sense of spoiler has been around since the mid-1990s, and initially referred to pieces of information which reveal elements of the plot of a film or book. Since proper enjoyment of a plot depends on dramatic tension and suspense, prematurely discovering what is going to happen“spoils” the experience that the viewer or reader has when watching or reading for the first time.


2011-09-21 10:00:23
<![CDATA[垃圾按量收费 PAYT]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-09/20/content_13739356.htm Pay as you throw (also PAYT) is a system in which households are charged for collection of non-recyclable rubbish, and that the amount they pay is based on the quantity and weight of the rubbish they want collected. The system usually operates with free collection of recycled waste, with the principle therefore being that ‘the more you recycle, the less you pay’.

Pay as you throw(垃圾按量收费,缩写为PAYT)制度指每个家庭都要为不可回收垃圾的处理支付费用,而费用的多少则根据垃圾的数量和重量来计算。在该制度内,可回收垃圾的处理是免费的。

Pay-as-you-throw schemes are already operational in many parts of the United States. Payments for refuse collection would not be a fixed fee incorporated into local government taxes, but dealt with separately in what is now being referred to as a (dust) bin tax, calculated for individual households.

垃圾按量收费制度在美国一些地方已经开始实施。垃圾处理的费用并没有作为一项固定收费被归入当地政府的税收项目,而是单独作为一项收费来处理,也就是所谓的dustbin tax(垃圾箱税),每个家庭单独计算。

2011-09-20 09:39:24
<![CDATA[月饼税 Mooncake tax]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-09/19/content_13731451.htm 中秋时候,单位发放给你一盒月饼,你一定想不到,你还要为它上税。最近的“月饼税”一事引起了广泛争议,网友们讽刺道,继前几天的婚前房产加名征税之后,中国又一史上最憋屈的税种出台了。

所谓的mooncake tax(月饼税)其实不是新鲜事,早在2009年9月,南京地税部门就表示,单位发放月饼等in-kind benefi ts(实物福利)都应计入工资薪金所得,扣缴individual income tax(个人所得税)。

For example:

The approach of the Mid-Autumn Festival has reignited debate over China’s “mooncake tax”.

随着中秋节的临近,我国关于“月饼税”的争论又热了起来。这次月饼税饱受争议,主要有两点,第一,涉嫌double taxation(重复征税),当单位购买月饼时,已经被扣除了consumption tax(消费税),发放给员工后就不该再征税。第二,很多人认为月饼税缺乏人情味,在union of family(家庭团圆)之际,收到作为福利的月饼却被征税,这让很多人无法接受,且加重了公众的tax burden(税负)。

2011-09-19 10:17:52
<![CDATA[共同监护权 Joint custody]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-09/16/content_13721761.htm 最近,最轰动的离婚事件就是谢霆锋、张柏芝正式公开发布离婚声明,称二人将共同承担一对儿子的抚养权。Joint custody 即“共同监护权”,是指离婚或分居的父母双方共同抚育其未成年子女的一种抚养方式。 For example: The statement indicated that the two will have joint custody of their two sons Lucas and Quintus, but did not disclose any details on how the couple’s assets would be divided 声明表示,两人将共同承担两个儿子卢卡斯和昆塔斯的监护权,但没有透露任何关于两人财产分割的细节。

子女的监护权包括legal custody(法定监护权)和physical custody(生活监护权)。在父母离婚或分居的情况下,一般会判决一方获取子女的监护权,即sole custody,而另一方获得则获得visitation(探视权)。

张柏芝和谢霆锋在2006年tie the knot(喜结连理)。2008年的 nude-picture scandal(艳照门)一度令媒体纷纷猜测两人陷入婚姻危机。今年5月媒体报道张柏芝与陈冠希在飞机上chance encounter (偶遇)时self-snapshot(自拍)合影,此事曝光后,有关两人的离婚传闻愈演愈烈,直至最终分道扬镳。

2011-09-16 14:38:15
<![CDATA[演戏式通话 Stage-phoning]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-09/15/content_13698901.htm A person who engages in stage-phoning is someone who talks loudly on their mobile in a deliberate attempt to attract the interest and attention of people around them. Such individuals appear to be behaving as if they were giving a performance, with the mobile as a theatrical prop, hence the use of the word stage.


The derived noun stage-phoner has been coined to describe these types, who in American English are sometimes also referred to by the rather derogatory term cell (phone) jerk. We meet stage-phoners at every street corner, waiting room or café.

由此衍生的stage-phoner就指进行演戏式通话的人,在美式英语中还有一个更具贬义的词cell (phone) jerk(手机傻冒)来形容这些人。在街角、等候室或者咖啡馆都会有他们的身影。

2011-09-15 13:51:30
<![CDATA[Gap year]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-09/14/content_13686850.htm Gap year is an English expression (also known as bridging year), referring to a period of time — not necessarily a year in which students take time off and do something other than schooling, such as travel or work.

Gap year(空档年)是一个英国词儿,指学生离开学校一段时间,经历一些学习以外的事情,比如外出旅行或者工作。当然,这段时间不一定非得是一年。空档年一般选在离开中学进入大学之前。

The practice of taking a deferred year developed in the United Kingdom in the 1960s. It has grown very popular among students in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. A trend for the year out is to participate in international education programs that combine language study, cultural immersion, and independent study.


2011-09-14 14:49:47
<![CDATA[Better English]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-09/09/content_13657047.htm 今天你hold住了吗?


1. The drug has a hold on the minds of those who use it.


2. You can’t hold your drink, that’s your problem. Two beers and you’re

under the table.


3. Most of the arguments put forward by our opponents simply do not

hold water.


4. Sadie held forth on the virtues of home cooking.


5. In our house it was my mother who held the purse strings.


2011-09-09 10:17:22
<![CDATA[Better English]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-09/08/content_13648081.htm 同性恋语言

Lavender language

Lavender language functions as a kind of homosexual code, characterized by acronyms, plays on words and double meanings only intended to be understood by the gay community.

Lavender language相当于一种同性恋密码,以使用缩略字、文字游戏以及双关语为特点,主要服务于同性恋人群内的沟通交流,所以称为“同性恋语言”。

The color lavender is often used to identify “gay-friendly” environments, hence its use in terminology surrounding gay issues, such as lavender texts, lavender phonology/terminology and the lavender lexicon.

淡紫色(lavender)通常都被认作“同性恋友好”类环境的标志,因此,与lavender相关的专用术语多与同性恋有关。比如lavender texts(同性恋文本)、lavender phonology(同性恋语音体系),以及lavender lexicon(同性恋词汇表)等。

2011-09-08 10:16:54
<![CDATA[Better English]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-09/07/content_13640406.htm Unforced error

Reader’s question

Unfortunately, her unforced error count continued to stifl e her play 30 in total and she lost the fi nal two points of the match.

Could you explain “unforced error”?

My comments:

This is generally speaking a tennis term, which means a simple mistake,

one that actually could be avoided. In tennis you win points by striking the ball hard and sharp into, say, the deep corners of the opponent’s court, making it diffi cult for him or her to return the ball back. You do this the best you can in order to force them into making errors.

Unforced errors, though, are those you make inadvertently, either due to carelessness or distraction. Unforced errors are costly, a sign that your concentration level is not there.

Zhang Xin, who writes a column for Language Tips, has been with China Daily since 1988.

2011-09-07 11:27:32
<![CDATA[Better English]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-09/06/content_13628951.htm 职场“榴莲族”

Durian clan

Durian clan refers to those ill-tempered co-workers who have been working for many years and are hard to get along with, just like the smelly fruit with thick thorny skin.


Unlike the strawberry clan, who are newcomers in the workplace, people in the durian clan are accustomed to workplace routines, and may be experiencing a kind of job burnout after many years of hard work. As a result, they might easily show their hot temper in the office.


In addition, people in the durian clan often don’t look so well due to years of overwork and signs of aging. And as old hands in the workplace, they usually have thicker skin than others.


2011-09-06 10:14:39
<![CDATA[Better English]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-09/05/content_13619221.htm 司法解释

Judicial explanation


Judicial explanation就是“司法解释”,简单说来,就是由the Supreme Court(最高法院)对具体适用法律的问题做出的解释。

For example:

A house bought by parents and registered under their child’s name remains the personal property of the child even after the child gets married, according to a judicial explanation issued by China’s Supreme

People’s Court.


这次的Marriage Law(《婚姻法》)第19条的司法解释意思是说如果父母为儿子或女儿购买了real estate(房产),当儿女结婚后,这套房子不算作是小夫妻俩的mutual property(共同财产),而只能算作是购买那一方的personal property(个人财产)。而若这套房子是两方父母共同购买的,而最后双方end in divorce(最后离婚),那么,将根据两方父母的出资额来分割财产,由此避免房产购买方的loss of family


有的人还在婚前签订prenuptial agreement(婚前协议),规定离婚后双方财产的归属,但这难免会伤害到夫妻双方的感情。而这次《婚姻法》的司法解释,对很多人来说算是一个welcome relief(可喜的安慰)。

2011-09-05 13:09:35
<![CDATA[Better English]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-09/02/content_13602767.htm 传销

Pyramid scheme


Pyramid scheme即我们通常说的“传销”,或叫pyramid selling。我们知道pyramid是金字塔的意思,顾名思义,传销就是一种由上而下的运作模式,即用尖顶来比喻上线,基于上线,逐上而下次第发展许


For example:

A crackdown on pyramid schemes in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region is leading to an exodus of scam artists from the area.


传销集团新会员通常都要先缴纳一定的membership fee(会员费),怀着获得windfall(意外横财)的期望,说服更多的人加入进来,这些人都是他的下家。在我国,传销于1998就被禁止了。

与pyramid scheme相类似的有一个词叫Ponzi scheme,即庞氏骗局。20世纪初,一个叫庞齐的美国商人许诺投资者以利润回报,把新投资者的钱作为快速盈利付给最初投资的人,以诱使更多的人上当,7个月居然吸引了3万名投资者,一年后这场骗局才被揭穿,史称Ponzi scheme(庞氏骗局),在中国就是“空手套白狼”。

2011-09-02 09:41:36
<![CDATA[Better English]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-09/01/content_13596244.htm 体育明星“太太团”


WAGs (or Wags) is an acronym, used particularly by the British tabloid press, to describe the wives and girlfriends of high-profile soccer players, originally the England national soccer team.

WAGs(有时也写作Wags)是一个缩略语,英国八卦报纸多用来指代明星足球球员的妻子和女朋友(wives and girlfriends),亦称“太太团”,最初特指英国国家足球队队员的妻子和女朋友。

The term came into common use during the 2006 FIFA World Cup.

The acronym has since been used by the media in other countries to describe the wives and girlfriends of sportsmen in general.


During the 2006 World Cup the press gave increasing coverage to the socialising and shopping activities of the English WAGs, who were based in the German town of Baden-Baden.


It was frequently suggested that England’s exit from the tournament in the quarterfi nals was a result of such distractions.


2011-09-01 14:22:08
<![CDATA[Better English]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/31/content_13282059.htm 格差婚

Status-gap marriage

A “status-gap marriage” is one in which there is a clear gap in income, pedigree, social status, and so on. between the husband and wife. The phrase usually refers to marriages in which a woman marries “beneath herself”.

Status-gap marriage(格差婚)指夫妻双方在收入、家庭条件、社会地位等方面相差悬殊的婚姻,多指女方“下嫁”的情况。

For example, the marriage between Japanese actress Norika Fujiwara and her husband, the lesser-known comedian Tomonori Jinnai is deemed a status-gap marriage.


Their marriage ended in divorce in 2009.


2011-08-31 14:00:47
<![CDATA[Better English]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/30/content_13220877.htm Political correctness

Reader’s question:

Political correctness now debates the worthiness of many words.

Could you explain “political correctness”?

Political correctness involves avoiding language or practices that could o end others. It is often a concerted attempt to redress historical injustices relating to race, gender, class or sexual orientation, for example. You can also say someone or something is “politically correct”, or you could just say they are “PC”.

Let me give you an example to help you understand. In the past, the native people who lived in parts of Greenland and Canada were referred to as Eskimos. Today, this group is generally called Inuit, a term which literally means “the people” in the local language, as Eskimo is considered to be a derogatory term. You could say Inuit is the “politically correct” or “PC” term for Eskimo.

Sometimes, calling something or someone “politically correct” can be a slur in itself, as some people believe political correctness has gone too far and is at the point where people are overly sensitive to the words and practices of others.

Kim Bowden is a foreign expert at China Daily Website.

2011-08-30 14:10:04
<![CDATA[Better English]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/26/content_13199054.htm 复古风潮

Granny chic

Granny chic denotes a fashion style that consists of old-fashioned items worn in a stylish way.

Granny chic(复古风潮)指将旧式衣物穿出时尚味道的流行风潮。

Granny style cardigans, tweed mid-length skirts and fl esh colored tights were seen walking down the catwalks of Paris, New York, London and Milan and the trends have now fi ltered down to the high street.

老式的羊毛开衫、斜纹呢的中长裙还有肉色紧身裤频频出现在巴黎、纽约、伦敦和米兰的T台上。 如今,这一时尚潮流已经走进了繁华商业街区。

Other granny-chic clothing includes big glasses, quasi-orthopedic shoes and fl oral dresses.


For example:

Granny-chic knitwear plus skinny pants equal a great new silhouette.


2011-08-26 13:43:26
<![CDATA[Better English]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/25/content_13190369.htm Gee up

Reader’s question:

Many Nigerians hope that the acting president, bolstered by his own team, may gee up Africa’s most populous country (150m-strong) and its biggest oil and gas producer south of the Sahara.

Could you explain “gee up”?

My comments:

“Gee up” is originally a command given to horses to hurry them up. “Gee up”, “Move along”, “Faster”, and so forth. Used on a person, “gee up” conveys the same message of encouragement, a rallying call for faster pace or greater eff orts.

Here, Nigerians hope the acting president will lead the country to economic prosperity. In other words, they feel encouraged with the new leadership.

Well, that’s the least they can do - hope for the best. Zhang Xin, who writes a column for Language Tips, has been with China Daily since 1988.

2011-08-25 13:09:46
<![CDATA[Better English]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/24/content_13181221.htm 对眼相亲会

Eye-gazing party

Eye-gazing party is a dating trend based on the practice of speed-dating in which participants do not speak to each other but instead, gaze at each other for a set amount of time, before moving on.

Eye-gazing party(对眼相亲会)是在速配相亲基础上发展起来的一种相亲形式。参与对眼相亲会的男女彼此之间不用开口说话,而是在限定的时间内盯着对方看,时间一到就换个人继续看。

Some describe the experience as “having a conversation with another person’s face” while others believe eye contact can reveal one’s attraction faster than anything else.


2011-08-24 13:22:06
<![CDATA[Better English]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/23/content_13168655.htm 短语盘点



1. All right, sir, you drive a hard bargain. I’ll sell you this car for $12,450.


2. These tax forms are driving me nuts.


3. Let’s drive over to Larry’s place.


4. You are driving me out of my mind with your nagging.


5. The traffic jam is breaking up, so we can drive on.


6. He’ll drive himself into the ground if he doesn’t take some time off .


7. You have driven me into a corner, so I guess I have to give in.


8. Your trouble with the police has driven me to the brink/edge! The

next time you are arrested, I will not get you out of jail.


9. She was driven to drink by the problems she had with her teenage



2011-08-23 09:00:50
<![CDATA[Better English]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/22/content_13163365.htm Media-friendly events

Reader’s question:

The media-friendly events were sponsored by a host of activist groups.

My comments:

Media-friendly is about cozying up to the media, TV, radio, newspapers and the Internet.

Media-friendly events are therefore events aimed at smoothing relations with the media, so that they stop writing nasty things about the activist groups and, in fact, begin to write nice things about them.

In other words, PR, or public relations. Normally, PR is about hiring PR firms to help improve one’s relation with the public. This time, the saidactivist groups are doing the PR work themselves, treating journalists to meetings, complete with dinners and perhaps sight-seeing in order to improve relations with the media itself.

Obviously, even activist groups need to do a lot of PR today, which essentially involves spinning tales to make one look better. It’s a refl ection on the times we are living in.

Zhang Xin, who writes a column for Language Tips, has been with China Daily since 1988.

2011-08-22 11:07:23
<![CDATA[Better English]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/19/content_13147420.htm 口语中的科技名词


John: I made a plant pot out of an old water bottle!

Sarah: So what? It’s not exactly rocket science, is it?



上面例子中的“It’s not rocket science”意思就是“不难做或者不难理解”,火箭科学始于上世纪20年代和30年代间,但是直至上世纪80年代,这个词才被引申为“复杂的事”,进而成为一句流行的口头禅(catch phrase)。下面是一些别的来源于科学术语的英语口语


Our Shanghai operation was a black hole. We poured money into the

business without any tangible results.


Black hole的本意是“宇宙中包括光线在内的任何东西都无法逃逸的强引力区域”,现引申为“任何只吸入而不放出物质的东西”,例如:

Don’t use my university address in Beijing. It’s a black hole and nothing

sent to me ever seems to arrive!



It will mean a quantum leap for development if we start living on Mars.


Quantum leap本来是一个物理名词,意为“量子跃进”,现引申为“巨变、飞跃”。

2011-08-19 09:25:09
<![CDATA[Better English]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/18/content_13139470.htm 公民新闻

Citizen journalism


Citizen journalism就是“公民新闻”,指从新闻的采访,写作,到最后的编辑发布,都不假手于专业记者或编辑,完全由“读者”自己采写的新闻,而这些读者则被称为citizen journalist(公民记者)。

For example:

The words tweeted by a passenger on high-speed train D301 on July 23 were clearly a cry for help. But they also initiated a wave of unprecedented “citizen journalism” on China’s Twitter-like micro blogs.


全世界第一位citizen journalist当属1998年在其个人博客中对克林顿Zip Gate(拉链门)性丑闻曝光的美国人德拉吉。

公民新闻相较于传统新闻的优点在于可以在第一时间在现场进行real-time reporting(实时报道)。相较mainstream media(主流媒体)而言,也多了更多的vividness(生动性)。在突发事件的报道中,citizen journalism正在发挥越来越重要的作用。

2011-08-18 09:33:31
<![CDATA[Better English]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/17/content_13130268.htm 网络口碑

Word of mouse

Word of mouse is an electronic version of the time-tested idea of word

of mouth.


Numerous advertisers have jumped on the word of mouse bandwagon,

using a variety of innovative techniques to get their message out to

consumers, and businesses all over the world rely on word of mouse to

promote their reputations.




Word of mouse can be built up on review sites, which allow users to post

reviews and commentary on businesses, and it can also be generated

on forums, chat rooms, and social networking sites.




To learn more buzz words, please log on to http://language.chinadaily.com.cn

2011-08-17 09:56:41
<![CDATA[Better English]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/16/content_13124756.htm 新一代移动网络


SoLoMo refers to the collision of social, local and mobile media. It is unique to the mobile device.


Today 42% of people aged 18 to 34 enjoy sharing their purchases on the Internet. Social media, local search and mobile search all collide in today’s online world to off er an ultimate user experience.


For example, a user may start their search locally by looking for a business on the Web with Google local, then continue it on the social sphere by following the social networking page and “linking” the business, and fi nally completing their purchase on their mobile by calling or booking with the business. This combination of social media, local and mobile search is called SoLoMo.


2011-08-16 13:42:18
<![CDATA[Better English]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/15/content_13111155.htm

2011-08-15 09:41:29
<![CDATA[Crossword]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/15/content_13111153.htm

2011-08-15 09:41:29
<![CDATA[Comics]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/15/content_13111151.htm

2011-08-15 09:41:29
<![CDATA[Horoscope]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/15/content_13111149.htm

2011-08-15 09:41:29
<![CDATA[Bridge]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/15/content_13111147.htm

2011-08-15 09:41:29
<![CDATA[Kakuro]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/15/content_13111145.htm

2011-08-15 09:41:29
<![CDATA[Better English]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/11/content_13091821.htm

2011-08-11 09:59:08
<![CDATA[Crossword]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/11/content_13091819.htm

2011-08-11 09:59:08
<![CDATA[Comics]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/11/content_13091817.htm

2011-08-11 09:59:08
<![CDATA[Horoscope]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/11/content_13091815.htm

2011-08-11 09:59:08
<![CDATA[Bridge]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/11/content_13091813.htm


2011-08-11 09:59:08
<![CDATA[Kakuro]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/11/content_13091811.htm

2011-08-11 09:59:08
<![CDATA[Crossword]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/09/content_13075811.htm

2011-08-09 09:56:41
<![CDATA[Comics]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/09/content_13075805.htm

2011-08-09 09:56:41
<![CDATA[Horoscope]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/09/content_13075800.htm

2011-08-09 09:56:41
<![CDATA[Bridge]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/09/content_13075794.htm

2011-08-09 09:56:41
<![CDATA[Kakuro]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/09/content_13075788.htm

2011-08-09 09:56:41
<![CDATA[Better English]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/09/content_13075589.htm

2011-08-09 09:47:40
<![CDATA[Better English]]> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/kindle/2011-08/05/content_13055480.htm


Century eggs


松花蛋也叫皮蛋,英文叫century eggs。松花蛋和咸鸭蛋(salted duck egg)都属于腌制蛋(preserved egg)。卷入这场“国际争端”的CNN网站记者丹尼·霍瓦达已发表声明道歉,不过网络热议(Internet buzz)仍然未消。

For example:

“Century eggs are popular among the Chinese as a pungent appetizer,” CNN said in its iReport. “But for others, the idea of feasting on black eggs that have been preserved in clay for months may not be appetizing.”


也许,CNN的这项评选也不过是戏谑(tongue-in-cheek)而已。每个国家都有自己独特的饮食文化,我们应该秉持一颗包容尊重的心来对待多元文化(diversified cultures)。


Pushing the boat out

在英语中,这种做法可以用“push the boat out”来表示花钱出去大吃一顿或者买些东西来庆祝。

“Push the boat out”意思就是“慷慨而奢侈地花费”,不过它跟“paint the town red”的意思不同,后者意为“狂欢、胡闹”;而前者表示 “虽然出去玩乐,但并不是以一种不负责任的方式”,强调“花费虽然大,但是也是必要的”。


Sometimes you have to push the boat out and splurge on a new set of clothes.


有的人喜欢安稳的生活,不愿意rock the boat(破坏良好的现状),但这也意味着他们不会有什么机会。和这个短语对应的有个短语叫push the envelope,意为“挑战极限”,这个词组往往被用来谈论科技进步,表示“人或机构等很有创新力,想尽力超越现有的边界”。


My company is really pushing the envelope in terms of design. We are working on a new type of interactive computer game that will revolutionize the market.



Chemical ripening


“催熟”的英文是chemical ripening,也就是artificial ripening by using chemicals,也可以称为forced ripening。进行催熟的化学制剂就是ripener/ripening agent(催熟剂)。和ripener类似,之前发生的“西瓜爆炸”是因为使用了swelling agent(膨大剂),agent在这里指的就是化学制剂。

Ripe表示瓜果的成熟,夏天买西瓜,有时买到的只是half-ripe(半生不熟),一点儿都不甜。Ripe还可以用来指抽象的“成熟”,比如The time is not yet ripe.(时机尚未成熟。)但ripe old age则指的是“高龄、晚年”。

For example:

Illegal chemical ripening method imperils India’s mango trade.


Expressing concern over the spurt in cases of artificial ripening of fruits using chemicals, the health ministry on Thursday asked the states to take action against those indulging in this hazardous practice.


— To learn more expressions, please log on to http://language.chinadaily.com.cn

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Soap grafting

Soap grafting is the act of attaching an almost completely used piece of soap to a new, unused piece because it is now too small to be conveniently used but you also don't want to waste it.

如果你觉得快用完的小片肥皂滑滑得不好拿,但是丢掉又太可惜,你就可以将它粘在一块新的肥皂上继续使用,这个过程就叫soap grafting(肥皂嫁接)。

For example:

My mum always soap grafts because she doesn’t want to waste anything. Soap grafting is good.


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