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Americans mark Thanksgiving Day with parades

2013-12-02 14:10

Tokyo chef makes art with sushi rolls

2013-11-28 15:14


2013-11-25 10:11

Makeup artist who paint pictures on her eyelids

2013-11-22 10:31
以色列化妆师及博主Tal Peleg仅仅使用液体眼线笔和眼影,在眼睑上画出了这些场景:童话故事、经典小说形象、漂亮的装饰配件和复杂的寿司设计。

European-style weddings offered in C China

2013-11-20 14:32
An Italian-style wedding street in Wuhan, Central China's Hubei province, was unveiled on Nov 19 and will be open by the end of this month.

Fairy tales bride - Zhang Jingchu

2013-11-13 13:41
Chinese actress Zhang Jingchu poses during a photoshoot for COSMO Bride magazine.


2013-11-09 17:06
A girl is pictured on a street outside the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing on Friday. The street attracts many visitors every fall.

Baby's dream adventure

2013-11-01 13:57
Taiwan artist Queenie Liao places her 3-year-old son Wengenn into an adventure while he sleeps by creating a series of colorful fairy tale scenes.


2013-10-28 10:32

Elegant Gao Yuanyuan poses for ELLE magazine

2013-10-24 14:36
Chinese actress Gao Yuanyuan poses for ELLE magazine.

Giant duck on display at Summer Palace

2013-10-21 16:26
The giant rubber duck is on display at the Summer Palace in Beijing, Oct 15, 2013.

National Day heralded across China

2013-09-29 11:17
October 1 marks the 64th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Apple lauches new iPhone

2013-09-11 13:55
Apple launched its long-awaited new devices iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C on Tuesday in Cupertino.

Clooney and Bullock open 70th Venice Film Festival

2013-08-29 14:23
Clooney and Sandra Bullock star in Alfonso Cuaron movie "Gravity" which debuts at the festival

Steve Jobs school uses iPad for entire education

2013-08-23 10:14
The Steve Jobs schools in the Netherlands are founded by the O4NT (Education For A New Time) organisation, which provides the children with iPads to help them learn with a more interactive experience.

London Zoo conducts annual weigh-in for animals

2013-08-22 13:55
A waxy monkey tree frog is weighed in a measuring device during a photocall to publicize the annual measuring of all the animals at the London Zoo, in central London August 21, 2013.

Top 10 pricey destinations for studying abroad

2013-08-21 14:20
HSBC's latest research reveals that Australia is the most expensive destination for overseas students.

Annual sheep race in Scotland

2013-08-20 13:37
The second time the town held the sheep race saw the finest rams and ewes the local shepherds could find, as they ran to be crowned Moffat’s Fastest Sheep 2013.

Ballet Swan Lake rehearsed in Taipei

2013-08-16 11:21
An adapted version of Swan Lake by Chamber Ballet Taipei will be shown here for three consecutive days from Aug 16.

Perseid meteor shower puts on show in night sky

2013-08-15 10:46
The Perseid meteor shower is sparked every August when the Earth passes through a stream of space debris left by comet Swift-Tuttle.

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