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Students stranded by quake resettled

[2017-09-05 09:07]

Starting a new term can be a tough time for any student-especially when it's at an entirely new school 40 kilometers away because the last one was destroyed in an earthquake.

Rented bikes link Russian visitors

[2017-09-05 09:06]

After a 10-minute boat ride across the Heilong River from the Russian city of Blagoveshchensk, Elena Komisarova arrived in Heihe, Heilongjiang province, on Sunday morning.

Roads, rails transform lives in the west

[2017-09-05 08:57]

For centuries, the only connection between Mashuping village and the outside world was a narrow, meandering path deep in the mountains. Now, a highway has ended its isolation.

Central China city halts new shared bikes on streets

[2017-09-05 08:53]

Central China's Wuhan has banned any more shared bikes from being stationed in the city from Monday.

Beijing opens hospital helipad

[2017-09-05 08:41]

A helipad for transferring patients in emergency cases was put into service on Aug 29 at a top hospital in downtown Beijing, which is often congested by traffic.

Full text of BRICS Leaders Xiamen Declaration

[2017-09-05 08:41]

The full text of BRICS Leaders Xiamen Declaration released on Monday.

Li urges coal sector to dig out new economic drivers

[2017-09-05 08:39]

Coal mines that are closed during China's push to cut overcapacity should transform their old economic drivers and offer better assistance to miners needing job relocation, Premier Li Keqiang said on Monday.

Reusable boxes and bags for greener takeouts

[2017-09-05 07:51]

WITH THE FAST GROWTH of mobile internet, an increasing number of people are ordering takeouts when they are too busy to cook. Takeouts have made life more convenient for many, but the plastic bags and boxes used to pack the foods are an environmental hazard.

Legislation needed to tackle scourge of bullying

[2017-09-05 07:46]

TEN DEPUTIES to the people's congress of South China's Guangdong province have called for binding, tailored regulations to end bullying and violence in schools, and make sure all parties concerned shoulder their due responsibilities.

Without legal teeth, accountability system cannot improve air quality

[2017-09-05 07:43]

TO TACKLE THE SMOG PROBLEM in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, especially in the winter, the Ministry of Environmental Protection will implement a "quantification accountability system" this year in the region's 28 cities and counties.

Summit offers road map for building a fairer world order

[2017-09-05 07:35]

On Sept 4, 2016, while addressing the 11th G20 Summit in Hangzhou, President Xi Jinping urged participating global leaders to make the grouping "an action force, rather than a talking shop".

US helping none in DPRK issue

[2017-09-05 07:10]

US President Donald Trump's reaction to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's sixth nuclear test on Sunday stood out-not for its condemnation but for its twisted approach. Trump took to Twitter to say the DPRK "is a rogue nation which has become a great threat and embarrassment to China, which is trying to help but with little success".

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