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Danes celebrate National Day and soccer win

By Mike Peters | China Daily | Updated: 2012-06-18 14:42

The Danish embassy and chambers of commerce hosted their annual summer party for Danes in Beijing last weekend with 400 adults and children showing up in a festive mood. Guests enjoyed a barbecue buffet and cold Carlsberg beer accompanied by live jazz music, while children played a variety of games. The winner of a quiz competition went home with an SAS ticket to Denmark.

Soccer fans at the party climbed aboard buses later to watch Denmark beat the Netherlands on TV at a Beijing bar, The Den. Some of the embassy staff, however, went back to work - to prepare for President Hu Jintao's visit to Denmark.

A few days earlier, Ambassador Friis Arne Petersen hosted a reception on June 5 at the embassy residence to celebrate the Danish National Day.

Around 300 business associates of the embassy and other invited guests attended the event, including Song Tao, deputy minister of foreign affairs, and several ambassadors. Michael Hauge Sorensen, on behalf of the Danish footwear brand Ecco, was presented with a special award from the Danish Export Association and a medal from Prince Henrik.

The Danish National Day celebrates the signing of the Danish Constitution in 1849.

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European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Dacian Ciolos, and the Chinese Minister for Administration of Quality, Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) Zhi Shuping, agreed in Beijing last week to open negotiations on a mutual recognition agreement in the field of organic food products. China and the European Union will examine their respective legislations. Standards and controls applied to organic production will be assessed to find common ground for trade in organic products and long-term cooperation in this area. EU exports of organic products to China increased by 25 percent in 2011 with more growth potential anticipated in years to come.

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The Belgian embassy hosted a fund raiser last weekend for Morning Tears, an NGO that supports children whose parents are in prison. Visitors enjoyed barbecue, Belgian waffles and beer from the Belgian-owned Morel's restaurant, music, a maze and activities for kids.

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Croatian Ambassador to China Ante Simonic celebrated his country's National Day and Armed Forces Day and the 20th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Croatia and China by hosting an evening of Croatian films on Thursday at the Italian Cultural Institute in Beijing.

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Danes celebrate National Day and soccer win

China and Greece celebrated 40 years of diplomatic ties at a reception hosted by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries on June 7.

The vice-chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Sun Jiazheng (on right in photo), exchanged gifts with Greece's ambassador to China, Theodore Georgakelos.

Other VIP guests included the deputy minister of Foreign Affairs, Zhai Jun, and the chairman of the Chinese Shipping Company COSCO Group, Wei Jiafu, as well as high-level Chinese officials, ambassadors and leaders from political, economic and cultural spheres in Beijing.

Georgakelos applauded "excellent ties between Greece and China, and saluted COSCO's Wei for the successful investment of the Chinese company in the Greek port of Piraeus.

Children and students from the two countries presented poems, songs and a theatrical sketch.

Send embassy news to michaelpeters@chinadaily.com.cn.