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NGOs interested in Chinese medicine hospital

China.org.cn | Updated: 2014-01-20 15:52

More than one non-governmental organisation has expressed interest in running the Chinese medicine hospital proposed in Hong Kong's 2014 Policy Address.

HK's Secretary for Food & Health Dr Ko Wing-man said the Government sees the need for a hospital providing Chinese medicine in-patient services and has reserved a site in Tseung Kwan O for it.

He said the hospital will be operated by a non-governmental organisation, and he knows of several NGOs interested in the role.

The Hospital Authority is studying what services will be provided by the new hospital, he said, adding that a pilot scheme will be conducted to define how traditional- and Chinese-medicine staff working in it can co-operate.

On the plan to subsidise colorectal cancer screening for higher-risk groups, Dr Ko said the authority and the Department of Health are studying a pilot programme on the proposal.