Alicia Silverstone would strip for PETA

Updated: 2006-07-24 16:31

Hollywood stunner Alicia Silverstone is becoming as well known for animal cruelty campaigning as she is for acting.

The beauty who found fame as bratty Cher in Clueless, recently won the title of the world¡¯s sexiest vegetarian in a recent poll.

But the star is now looking to break out of her prim and proper appearence recently telling the sun newspaper she wouldn¡¯t rule out joining Pamela Anderson in baring all for anti-fur charity PETA.

Stunning Alicia, 29, was quoted as saying "I really respect the people who do it, I think it¡¯s wonderful.

"I¡¯d maybe do it, I wouldn¡¯t rule it out but I think so many people are doing it the message is getting across anyway which is fantastic."

The star animal rights supporter has also gone on record blasting fur-wearing celebrities like Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez.

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** Alicia Silverstone I would Strip For PETA Article Now Continues **
Silverstone says "I hope people look at them and think it looks ugly. I hope they look at them and think, ¡®Those poor girls, why do they feel they have to wear fur?¡¯

"When I see someone wearing it I think they must be either really stupid or just evil and don¡¯t care.
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