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India promotes tourism in Chengdu

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-12-23

An Indian tourism promotion seminar, one of the activities during the "Glimpses of India" Cultural Festival, was held on Dec 19 in Chengdu.

Representatives from Indian tourism industries gave presentations about the rich tourism resources and tourism products in India, and established cooperative partnerships with travel agencies in Chengdu.

"Traveling in India is totally different from travelling in Europe and America," said Nagaraj Naidu, the consul general for India at Guangzhou. The most distinctive feature of India is that the history and culture are in an excellent state of preservation and tourists are exposed to the very real India.

"Also, applying for a tourist visa to India is convenient," Naidu added. After the consulate general receives an application, the applicants can know the decision on their visa within 24 hours.

The "Glimpses of India" Cultural Festival was hosted by the Embassy of India to China and local governments of several cities in China, aiming to celebrate 2014, the Year of China-India Exchange and promote Sino-Indian communication and cooperation.

By Shi Zihan and edited by Brian Salter

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