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26th Teachers' Day celebrated in Dehong
By Xie Fang ( chinadaily.com.cn )
Updated: 2010-09-10

China's 26th Teachers' Day falls on Friday and is celebrated all over China. Yunnan’s Dehong prefecture is no exception.

26th Teachers' Day celebrated in Dehong

China's 26th Teachers' Day is celebrated in Yunnan’s Dehong prefecture.

A grand celebration ceremony is held at the Mangshi Hall. Together with other officials from the prefecture government, Zhao Jin, secretary of Dehong prefecture, attended the ceremony and made an address.

26th Teachers' Day celebrated in Dehong

Zhao Jin, secretary of Dehong prefecture, attends the ceremony and makes an address.

Zhao spoke highly of the teachers' contributions to local education and extended his congratulations to excellent teachers and outstanding schools.

According to him, three improvements have been in three fields over the last year, i.e. education coverage, education quality and education security. Meanwhile he also urged the teachers to work harder to achieve a higher aim.

China's Teachers' Day falls was initiated in 1985 as a reminder that teachers should be held in reverence for instilling knowledge and morals in students.
