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State supervision team inspects Dehong
By Xie Fang and Wang Gongyuan
Updated: 2010-12-07

A state supervision team led by Li Baozhu, director of the Office of Publicity and Education Guidance, Committee of Political and Legislative Affairs, CCCPC (Central Committee of the Communist Party of China), spent November 19 and 20 inspecting Dehong.

Guo Zhide, secretary of the Dehong Prefectural Committee of Political and Legislative Affairs, reported to the supervision team about Dehong’s achievements in the management of public security. Guo said that Dehong has a great opportunity to develop now, and all local governmental departments will work together to create a stable society, sustainable economic development and a harmonious life for the people.

After listening to the report and conducting site interviews, the supervision team affirmed the achievements of the Dehong government in the management of public security. The team stressed the extreme importance of the management of public security in Dehong because of its geographic location, and hoped that Dehong would cooperate with neighboring countries to maintain stability on the border and achieve common development.
