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More than 500 people join climbing competition in Mangshi
By Xie Fang & Fu Bo ( chinadaily.com.cn )
Updated: 2011-01-11

On Dec 18, 2010, more than 500 people of all walks of life joined the first mountain-climbing and stupa-climbing competition to celebrate the renaming of Luxi city, of the Dehong Dai and Jingpo ethnic autonomous prefectures, as Mangshi city.

More than 500 people join climbing competition in Mangshi

A poll, earlier participated in by 4,751 citizens of Luxi showed that 96.96 percent of them approved of the name-changing proposal. Without fireworks, singing or dancing, mountain-climbing and stupa-climbing, fashionable exercising modes in Mangshi were taken to celebrate the event.

More than 500 people join climbing competition in Mangshi

A landmark of Mangshi, Menghuan Golden Stupa, located near Peacock Lake in Mangshi, is 76 meters tall and 50 meters wide, and has gained fame as the first golden stupa in all of China and the first hollow stupa in Asia.

The climbing competitors are divided into four groups: youth, middle age, senior, and military police. The first three groups are subdivided into men’s and women’s divisions. To encourage the competitors, almost half of them got awards.
