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Dehong Governor inspects Luliang Road Construction Project
By Yang Rongfang ( chinadaily.com.cn )
Updated: 2011-02-24

Meng Biguang, governor of Dehong Prefecture, inspected the Luliang secondary road construction works on Feb 19, 2011.

Dehong Governor inspects Luliang Road Construction Project

Meng stressed that the construction of the road would have a major impact on the social-economic development of the prefecture and called on all sides to work together to ensure the construction work is completed on time.

During the inspection, Meng examined the construction site, inquiring about the problems currently facing the construction process. He urged the leaders of the project to speed up the construction work where possible, while adhering strictly to construction specifications to ensure the quality of the project is maintained.   Meng also listened to a report from Yan Tongxin, director of the Dehong Transportation Bureau, and spoke highly of the construction work and the achievements made by all who participated in the construction thus far.

Meng pointed out that the Luliang secondary road, as one of the biggest infrastructure construction projects in the region, is the top priority of all projects. Since the beginning of the construction, the leading group and all project participants have overcome various difficulties and ensured the smooth progress of the construction.

According to Meng, the achievements so far were made possible thanks to strong leadership, the dedication of the construction workers, and the support of the local population.

During his speech Meng raised 3 requests: “firstly, we should collectively recognize the importance of the project which calls for confidence and resolution; Secondly, we must arrange a realistic schedule for the completion of the project. Thirdly, forceful guarantee measures should be adopted to ensure the quality, speed and security of the project.”
