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Lieutenant Governor of Dehong meets with Myanmar Consul General
By Wang Guangming
Updated: 2011-02-25

Gao Tieying, deputy governor of Dehong Autonomous Prefecture, called on Mr Zaw Phyo Win, Consul General of the Union of Myanmar during a visit to Kunming on Feb 18, 2011.

During the talk, Gao thanked Mr. Zaw Phyo Win for his assistance and support to Dehong, and gave a brief summary of the economic exchanges and trade between Dehong and Myanmar.

He stressed that Ruili enjoyed a unique position in exchanges between China and Myanmar. With sound prospects for future cooperation, Ruili is expected to have increasingly close contacts with Muse, a Myanmar border town, which will hopefully lead to further economic development and exchange.

The proposal put forward by Dehong concerning the establishment of a Ruili - Muse Myanmar economic cooperation zone has won the support of the Chinese central government, which strongly backs the establishment of sister city relations between Ruili and Muse.

Mr. Zaw Phyo Win spoke highly of the important role Dehong currently plays in forging closer contacts between China and Myanmar. He stated that he would strive to provide Dehong with more help in facilitating closer ties.

He also pointed out that further consultations on the provisions for both sides are needed to accomplish the construction of a China and Myanmar Ruili - Muse Myanmar economic cooperation zone. He further stated that his side currently needed more in the way of Chinese government written instructions and relevant materials in order to make further decisions.

He said, “As for the establishment of sister cities between Ruili and Muse, we now need a confirming letter signed by the Chinese government and the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship With Foreign Countries in order to report to the central government for examination and approval. If you can provide these materials, I will actively push this matter forward in the hope that the agreement can be signed on the sixty-first anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Myanmar.”
