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Xiamen unveils General Environment Plan

( whatsonxiamen )

Updated: 2015-06-26

Xiamen unveils General Environment Plan

Residents in Xiamen are expected to enjoy more than 350 days of fresh air annually starting in 2030, according to the General Environment Plan for a Beautiful Xiamen (2014 to 2030).

The plan also revealed that the qualified rate of surface water and offshore water in functional areas is expected to reach 75 percent.

Many measures will be taken to improve general environmental health in Xiamen as follows:

Drinking water: Automatic monitoring stations will be established to monitor drinking water sources in the city.

Air quality: All vehicles with heavy pollution will be replaced by the end of 2017, and the city will promote new-energy vehicles.

Soil remediation: 82.3 percent of the city's soil is rated as 'safe," and only Tong'an and Xiang'an districts have recorded soil pollution.

Noise pollution: The qualified rate of noise control is expected to reach 100 percent during daylight hours and more than 55.0 percent during nighttime hours by the end of 2030. Noise reduction green belts and other noise proof or low-noise technologies or materials will be used to reduce noises on roads and in factories.

Earthquake forecast: By the end of 2020, Xiamen is expected to be informed about earthquakes in Taiwan or other regions in Fujian Province.

Beach restoration: The city will restore beaches that were damaged by construction, such as beaches near the Xiamen Bridge and Jimei Bridge.

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