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Production safety inspection achieves good results

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2013-07-26

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An ongoing 100-day inspection of production safety in companies and institutions in Pingtan county, Fujian province, has achieved some positive results, and the authorities have taken action regarding 98 illegal production activities and lax safety standards.

The production safety check campaign was launched on June 10 and will continue until September 20, and the campaign office has dispatched a total of about 157 employees who have carried out over 20 inspections concerning productions safety measures in 177 enterprises and public institutions. The inspectors have ordered one of the companies to suspend production due to various violations, according to the office.

The campaign aims to tackle safety risks and increase safety measures in the sectors of construction, gas production, transportation, fishery, fire protection and hazardous chemical production.

Edited by Chen Zhilin and Niva Whyman