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Pingtan raises minimum living allowance

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2013-12-19

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Pingtan will make an increase totaling 1.06 million yuan ($174,582) concerning the minimum living allowance for urban residents in 2014, with the aim of assisting the most vulnerable segments of society, the local civil affairs bureau said on Dec 16.

The allowance involves 669 families - a total of 1,777 people – in the island county, and they will be entitled to the new sum – which will be increased from 380 yuan to 460 yuan from Aug 1.

A total of 8.8 million yuan is expected to be allocated to low-income rural residents as minimum living allowance this year [.

The authorities said they have already handed out 7.4 million, and the rest will be paid by the end of the month.

Residents who wish to receive the allowance should submit an application to the local government and it will be reviewed by the authorities.

Edited by Chen Zhilin and Niva Whyman