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9.81m tourists visit Guizhou during Spring Festival

By Li Yang and Zeng Jun ( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-02-08

Approximately 9.81 million tourists visited Guizhou during the Spring Festival period, up 22.62 percent compared to the same period last year.

9.81m tourists visit Guizhou during Spring Festival
Tourists at Fanjing Mountain during Spring Festival (Photo/China Daily Guizhou Office)

Tourism revenue reached 4.09 billion yuan ($674.5 million), up 23.74 percent compared to the same period last year.

The highway network in Guizhou covers 72 scenic sports, including the counties of Yinjiang, Sinan, Zhenfeng, Liuzhi, Shiqian, Zhenyuan, Xishui and Chishui. The network has helped develop Guizhou’s tourism industry.

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