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Badong Shenong Stream

(travelchinaguide.com, badongtour.com)

Updated: 2011-11-16

Badong Shenong Stream

Shennong Stream is 60km long and ultimately flows into the Yangtze River. (nipic.com)

On the border between Wu Gorge and Xiling Gorge is the Shennong Stream. It is 60km long, taking its rise from the main peak of Shennongjia (known as the first peak of central China) and flowing through Badong county, the stream ultimately flows into the Yangtze River via the Wu Gorge. Cruising along the stream by boat, visitors will become immersed in the wonders of zigzagging watercourses, the primitive environment, the canzonet by the boat tracker, and the mysterious culture along the banks.

Unique Scenery

Along with the grandeur, elegance and danger of the Yangtze River, the Shennong Stream has its own unique scenery. It has four natural gorges - Chengnong Gorge, Mianzhu Gorge, Yingwu Gorge and Longchang Gorge - and each has unique characteristics.

Badong Shenong Stream

Along with the grandeur, elegance and danger of the Yangtze River, the Shennong Stream has its own unique scenery. (nipic.com)

Among the four gorges, Mianzhu Gorge is renowned for its danger. The riverbed is not only narrow, but also falls steeply. Over 30 dangerous shoals will challenge everyone along the 2.5-mile route. As you drift along this section, your heart will beat heavily, even as you feel reassured as to your safety by the skilled boatmen. Stalactites hang on both sides of the bank; be sure not to miss this scenery.

Yingwu Gorge is noted for its elegance. The evergreen vegetation along the banks remains beautiful during the whole year. Here, a gorge with flowers that blossom in all seasons and a fountain of three colors can be admired. The largest karst cave of Shennong Stream also lies within this section. The Longchang Gorge is one with a unique human landscape. The ancient and mysterious suspended wooden coffins and plank road are the highlight of the section.

Badong Shenong Stream

Drifting along the Stream

Drifting along the Shennong Stream in small open sampans (called 'peapod boats' by the locals) is the unique method for viewing the natural scenery, the ancient village and the flavor of Tujia (the local ethnic minority). Before you take the sampan, an environmental protection boat will first take you to admire the marvelous scenery. Then you will change to the sampan (14 yards long and two yards wide), which holds ten visitors at a time, to experience another kind of feeling.

Badong Shenong Stream

Drifting along the Shennong Stream in small open sampans (called 'peapod boats' by the locals) is the unique method for viewing the natural scenery.

One sampan is usually steered by six boatmen who are local peasants. While appreciating the natural beauty and historic sights along the two banks, you can hear the songs from the rowers as they row the boat. When reaching the shallow-stream places, they will paddle in the swift-flowing stream to tow the boat upstream by the rope. This scene has made the drift a unique one compared to other stream drifts.

It is sure that the serene natural beauty, the local Tujia flavor, the brave boat trackers, and historic relics will make the trip a memorable one.

Badong Shenong Stream
Buildings along the Shennong Stream

Official website of the sight: http://www.badongtour.com/xhtml/en/index.shtml