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Traditional Mongolian Medicine reaches new borders


Updated: 2014-05-05

"There is too much overuse of antibiotics and hormonal medication. We offer alternative, safer solutions," Ulaan says, proudly recalling the thunderous applause at the UN.

This year marks the 65th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China and Mongolia established diplomatic relationship, and Ulaan revealed the hospital will organize a “mobile hospital,” including a 10-odd person squad, in the summer to offer free service around the grassland in Mongolia for over 20 days. The event will also lift the curtain following a series of communication in medical service between Inner Mongolia and the two countries.

“We once went to Ulan Bator to provide free service,” she recalled. “A patient took a bus for two days to the country’s capital just to meet our doctor. That deeply touched us and made us decide to expand the service to a wider area in Mongolia, and benefit more people who may not have the chance to come to Hohhot.”

Ulaan proudly claimed that in several of the region’s border port city, like Erenhot and Manzhouli, has received “uncountable” patients from Mongolia and Russia, and her hospital has received more than 8,000 patients from Mongolia within less than 2 years.

International cooperation has been far beyond the northern neighbors.

The hospital has begun academic cooperation with laboratories from countries including the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan. It is also getting an increasing number of patients from overseas.

A joint project with the US using psychotherapy and naturopathy for the treatment of psoriasis has achieved significant results, she says.

Psychotherapy included "interactive talking sessions" combined with hypnosis, which seemed to help patients recover from their skin conditions.

Project demonstrates success in Inner Mongolia

Journalists from 58 web media companies around China visited Inner Mongolian villages between July 3 and July 8 to learn about the effect the “Ten Coverages” project has had after two years of implementation.

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