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Customized bus lines appear in Qingdao

Updated: 2013-08-20

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Two specially-designed bus routes went into operation on Aug 15. The customized routes, which run according to specific passenger needs, are a public transportation service for Qingdao citizens. The routes are cheaper than hailing a cab and more convenient than regular buses, Ifeng.com reported.

The two bus routes were chosen based on the home and office locations of most residents. Except for two or three stops along each route, the buses take passengers from the starting point directly to the destination. Passengers pay 12 yuan ($1.96) as a commuting fee per day on a monthly basis and enjoy insurance protection.

Initial statistics show each customized bus can take the place of at least 30 private cars. The buses will help relieve traffic and parking congestion.

Passengers in customized buses can enjoy free drinking water, Wi-Fi and newspapers.

Edited by Michael Thai, Li Xiaoliang and Zhao Jingchen