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Beer festival takes the edge off summer in Zhouzhuang


Four Seasons in Zhouzhuang

The 300-person-strong "Four Seasons of Zhouzhuang" live show spectacular attracts thousands of visitors to the water town each year. It’s China's first original live-action show which embodies the life, scenery and soul of the historic water town.

Set amongst the backdrop of criss-crossed waterways and arched bridges, the performance tells the story of Shen Wansan, Zhouzhuang's most famous businessman.

During summer, visitors are able to enjoy the discounted ticket price of 180 yuan ($27), 70 yuan cheaper than the regular price. Daily performances run from 7.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.

Beer festival takes the edge off summer in Zhouzhuang

Debuting in 2007, "Four Seasons of Zhouzhuang" is China's first original live-action performance extoling the life, scenery and soul of the historic water town. [Photo/Zhouzhuang.net]