
Diaoyu Islands

(China Daily)
Updated: 2010-09-09 08:02
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To avoid further escalation of tension and head-on confrontation, Japan should immediately release the Chinese fishing boat and its captain, illegally held in detention off the Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea.

The incident has aroused grave concern from the Chinese government: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned Japanese Ambassador to China Uichiro Niwa twice in 24 hours to lodge solemn protests.

A wave of indignation is also brewing in Chinese society, which might snowball into a major public outcry if the Japanese authorities continue to take a hardline stance on the incident.

Related readings:
Diaoyu Islands China voices strong protest against Japan
Diaoyu Islands Japan envoy summoned over Diaoyu incident
Diaoyu Islands Japan arrests captain of Chinese ship near Diaoyu Islands

The Chinese fishing ship was illegally intercepted by Japanese patrol boats on Sept 7. Japanese media said the trawler captain, a Chinese national, was arrested on suspicion of "obstructing public duties". Such an allegation does not hold water. When the incident happened, the Chinese fishing boat was in waters off the Diaoyu Islands, which are Chinese territory.

China has indisputable sovereign rights over the Diaoyu Islands and adjacent islets. They have been Chinese territory since ancient times.

Japan should stop its patrol boats from so-called law enforcement activities in waters off the Diaoyu Islands. It should refrain from actions that might threaten the safety of Chinese fishing boats and their crew.

This is not the first time that Japan has provoked China over the Diaoyu Islands. The long-standing disputes over the East China Sea issue have become a major predicament for Sino-Japanese relations to sail smoothly. Tokyo should understand Beijing will never relent in its efforts to defend the country's territorial integrity. Each time it chooses to provoke China over the Diaoyu Islands issue, it puts bilateral relations at risk.

Sino-Japanese relations have shown signs of warming recently. The latest incident could easily squander what could be a golden opportunity for bilateral ties to flourish.

If Japan refuses to mend its way and lets the situation slide further, it will serve neither country's interest.

(China Daily 09/09/2010 page8)