A welcome traffic rule

Updated: 2011-08-02 09:07

(China Daily)

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Recently Zhuhai city, Guangdong province, issued new regulations for road safety, which banned begging in vehicle lanes at traffic crossings. That's a welcome move, says an article on Xinhuanet. Excerpts:

According to the new regulations approved by the Zhuhai authorities, police have to warn people against begging in vehicle lanes and could impose a fine of 50 yuan ($7.75) on beggars seeking alms or drivers giving money to them. Some people argue that the ban will push people who survive on begging into a tight corner.

But the fact is that begging in vehicle lanes aggravates traffic congestion. People begging in vehicle lanes violate traffic rules and disrupt the normal flow of traffic, and drivers who give money to beggars out of sympathy disturb public order. Besides, the presence of beggars makes it difficult for police to ensure free flow of vehicles at crossings.

Besides violating traffic rules and disturbing public order, begging in vehicle lanes can also threaten the lives of beggars as well as drivers.

People begging in vehicle lanes can be divided into two types. Some are forced to beg because of financial difficulties and others for whom begging has become a "profession". Since the latter cash in on people's sympathy, the ban on begging in vehicle lanes will prevent the misuse of public sympathy.

But the government has to take measures to make the lives of people who are forced to beg safer and more secure. And for that, the government should offer more help to beggars, financial and otherwise, and improve the social security system to improve the lives of the poor.

(China Daily 08/02/2011 page9)