Teacher has shamed profession

Updated: 2011-09-20 08:09

(China Daily)

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Comment on "Renowned teacher admits abusing his US wife" (China Daily, Sept 13)

What a ridiculous excuse well-known English teacher Li Yang has given. How could he even say "I never thought she would make it public since it's not Chinese tradition to expose family conflicts to outsiders"?

Does he mean that his wife is at fault for speaking out against the domestic violence she has suffered? What does "Chinese tradition" has to do with domestic violence? It is Li Yang's fault and his fault alone.

In many other countries Li Yang would have been punished for what he has done.

But according to news reports, he has not been arrested even after admitting that he hit his wife. I wonder why?

Domestic violence has been increasing over the years in China. So it's good to see women speak out and protect themselves.

Anita, on China Daily website

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(China Daily 09/20/2011 page9)