Waste of valuable news space

Updated: 2011-09-26 08:07

(China Daily)

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It's a pity that a full-page article with two photographs in China Daily talked only about Guo Meimei, a young rich woman who got the Red Cross Society of China embroiled in a scandal.

I wonder whether media coverage is only for Guo Meimei fans.

Everyone likes money. People study and work hard to make as much as they can.

But Guo Meimei wants money (and it seems she has it, too) without having any knowledge or skill to earn it. Worse, she doesn't have any understanding of the real values of life.

There are many brilliant Chinese that deserve space in your newspaper.

But you waste valuable news space on a negative issue, reflecting that lying and being selfish can also be a road to success.

I still believe China Daily can do better.

Giorgio Ronzani, via e-mail

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(China Daily 09/26/2011 page9)