Honor Syrian ceasefire

Updated: 2012-04-11 08:02

(China Daily)

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The clock is ticking down to 06:00 local time on April 12, when the belligerent forces in Syria are supposed to stop all forms of violence.

This might be the last chance for peace in Syria and both sides should honor their commitments and seize the opportunity to build on the current momentum so peace talks can take place in the turbulent Middle East country.

Regrettably, what has happened in the past few days does not bode well for the ceasefire. Violence and bloodshed have continued in the country and there are fears the plan for a ceasefire might fail.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said at least 105 people were killed on Monday, following violence over the weekend that claimed almost 180 lives, most of them civilians.

Also on Monday, firing from forces within Syria killed a TV journalist in Lebanon and at least two people in a refugee camp in Turkey.

The latest demand from the Syrian government also adds uncertainties. In a statement issued on Sunday, the Syrian foreign ministry said the army will not be withdrawn from Syrian cities until Kofi Annan, the joint envoy of the United Nations and the Arab League, presents a "written assurance" from armed groups that they will halt all forms of violence and show their readiness to lay down weapons.

The government has also demanded guarantees from Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia that they will not finance and arm the rebels.

If the UN-backed peace plan brokered by Annan should fail, the country will be mired even deeper in internal violence, bringing more sufferings to its people. The international community must do its best to prevent this from happening.

The United Nations estimates that more than 9,000 people have been killed in the Syrian conflict so far, including at least 500 children. Syria says 6,044 have died, including 2,566 soldiers and policemen.

The country will pay a dearer price if the violence continues. It will imperil regional stability too.

All forces in Syria should attach the utmost importance to protecting civilians and should realize that a peace is in the best interests of the people and the country.

The Syrian government and opposition forces should comply with the ceasefire and fully support Annan's mediation work, so as to ease tensions and pave the way for solving the Syrian issue in peace.

(China Daily 04/11/2012 page8)