Opinion / From the Press

Don't politicize criminal case

(China Daily) Updated: 2012-04-20 08:04

Chinese central authorities and relevant departments have paid great attention to the death of British national Neil Heywood, and police have set up a team to reinvestigate the case according to the law and to seek truth from the facts. The criminal case should not be interpreted as a political struggle, says a commentary of Xinhua News Agency. Full text below:

Bogu Kailai, wife of Bo Xilai, the former Party chief of southwest China's municipality of Chongqing, and Zhang Xiaojun, an orderly at Bo's home, have been transferred to judicial authorities over suspicion of homicide.

According to investigation results, Bogu Kailai and her son were previously on good terms with Heywood. However, they eventually had a conflict over economic interests, which became intensified.

Reinvestigation results show that the existing evidence indicates that Heywood died of homicide, of which Bogu Kailai and Zhang Xiaojun are highly suspected.

Both the investigation and reinvestigation results show that Heywood's case is a criminal case and is being handled according to the law, as it would be in any other country under the rule of law.

China is a socialist country based on the rule of law, and the sanctity and authority of that law shall not be trampled upon. Anyone who has broken the law will be handled in accordance with the law and their actions will not be tolerated, no matter who they may be.

The homicide was alleged by former Chongqing police chief Wang Lijun who entered, without authorization, the US general consulate in Chengdu on Feb 6.

After the death of Heywood and the Wang Lijun incident, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to investigate Bo Xilai for serious discipline violations. (Prior to Bo, there were several members of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau who were investigated and punished for breaking the law and violating discipline, including Chen Xitong, former secretary of the Beijing Municipal Committee of CPC and Chen Liangyu, former secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of CPC.)

The way in which these cases were handled won resolute support from the people and were conducive to China's stability and development.

"The law shall be equally applied to anyone who commits a crime. No one shall have the privilege of transcending the law," China's Criminal Law says.

The Wang Lijun incident, the death of Heywood and Bo's discipline violations have had an extremely negative impact. The timely and proper decision by the CPC Central Committee to investigate the case safeguards the sanctity of law and reflects the firm resolution of the CPC Central Committee to adhere to the rule of law.

The criminal case shall not be interpreted as a political struggle. China's development will not be hindered by these separate incidents, and the overall state of the country will not be affected by human influence. China adheres to a socialist path with Chinese characteristics, with clear development goals, strategies and guidelines, which will not waver due to the effects of separate events or individuals.

After the announcement of the authorities' decision and the transfer of the suspects to judicial organs, people and officials across China expressed their support for the CPC Central Committee's decision, a decision that proves that the foundation of the Party's rule is rock-solid. The facts have once again proven that the CPC represents the people's interests, accepts public supervision and punishes those who violate Chinese laws and discipline.

It will be better for those who are viewing the situation with a certain amount of bias to wait it out, as the truth of the matter will come out after the investigation is completed.

Undoubtedly, the CPC Central Committee's decision has promoted the spirit of the rule of law, which is conducive to enhancing the legal awareness of society and is of great significance for stabilizing social order, promoting economic development and safeguarding national interests and citizens' rights.

All people, Chinese and foreign alike, should recognize China's courage, determination and the concrete actions it has taken to ensure the rule of law, as this matter is important for the development of China and the world.

(China Daily 04/20/2012 page9)

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