Opinion / From the Press

Equal in the sight of the law

(China Daily) Updated: 2012-07-06 08:03

In some places police officers treat foreigners better than they do with Chinese citizens. The police should treat them equally, says an article in Yangcheng Evening News. Excerpts:

A 31-year-old Russian man visiting Ningbo, Zhejiang province, on business lost his passport when a cleaner put it in the waste by mistake. He went to the local police for help, and police officers found the passport after rummaging in five tons of garbage for two and a half hours.

The reason foreigners in trouble are treated with such attention and efficiency is China's tradition of showing hospitality to foreign friends. Both the public and police officers are unwilling to see foreigners suffer any loss in China.

However, that is not an excuse for the sluggishness and inefficiency shown by some police officers when dealing with Chinese citizens. Police officers should reflect on their behavior to ensure there is no contradiction in the way they treat foreigners and the way they treat Chinese citizens.

(China Daily 07/06/2012 page9)

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