Opinion / From the Press

Public opinion counts for skyscrapers

(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2012-09-04 22:37

The skyscraper under construction in Suzhou, Jiangsu province, has been nicknamed the "pants building" by Chinese netizens, because it looks like a pair of pants standing on the ground, says an article in Beijing News Daily. Excerpts:

Many people complain that the landmark building is not visually pleasant. Yet reportedly the design is highly regarded in professional circles.

Even if it's sponsored by private investment, as long as the local authority approves the building its appearance and architecture should be opened to public review and criticism.

Some Chinese cities seem to be competing to build high-rise buildings to raise their skylines higher and higher. But history shows that many skyscrapers have not been well received because they do not fit the cities culturally or architecturally.

If the sponsors and local authority would listen to the public more before choosing a design for a building, they may receive more support and understanding from society.

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