Opinion / From the Press

Real practical lesson for students

(China Daily) Updated: 2012-11-23 10:10

Grade-6 students of an elementary school in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, have a weekly class, both theoretical and practical, to learn how to grow vegetables. Apart from the large sum of money spent on renting land and the school's determination to open practical courses, what is most eye-catching are the concrete actions the school has taken to impart quality and practical education to children, says an article on gmw.cn. Excerpts:

The country has been pursuing quality education for years. But given the importance of examinations, especially the national college entrance exam, very few institutions have dared to actually impart quality and practical education to children.

Fortunately, some schools have now mustered the courage to devote extra time, money and resources to start vegetable-growing classes, which is a big step toward imparting quality and practical education to our children.

Today's students acquire rich bookish knowledge, for sure. But most of them lack the hands-on knowledge needed to survive or excel in life against odds. The vegetable-growing course is a good combination of theoretical knowledge and practical ability. It has added the much-needed diversification to students' classes and makes the art of growing vegetables fun.

Moreover, the course teaches students the importance of diligence and thrift.

It might be difficult to teach children in a normal class how to lead a thrifty life. By getting down to practical work, the school authorities have made the entire process not only easy, but also interesting.

What our students need today is more opportunities to get their hands soiled in the art of growing vegetables while maintaining their traditional virtues, which is exactly what the vegetable-growing class is providing.

This is not only the requirement of the times, but also an inseparable part of quality education.



(China Daily 11/23/2012 page9)


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