Opinion / From the Readers

Let's protect natural habitats

(China Daily) Updated: 2012-11-28 08:00

Comment on "Paradise of Birds" (China Daily, Nov)

I really appreciated the article, "Paradise of Birds", on China's wetlands.

I discovered the long and hard journey of migratory birds from a documentary named The Winged Migration (2001). Since then I have been inspired to know more about migratory birds in China. There are three major migration routes in China, and the country's wetlands serve as a necessary stopover habitat for migratory birds. But economic development and human progress have had a somewhat negative impact on China's nature reserves. It's sad to know that lots of birds die during their journey.

Earlier this year, my employer General Motors China initiated a project called "Restoring Nature's Habitat". The project is expected to help improve the ecology of key wetlands, protect biodiversity and build public support for the protection of nature reserves.

Also, we invited student volunteers from China's leading universities to work alongside local environmental protection experts to help band birds and promote public awareness of environmental protection at the Changdao National Nature Reserve. The success of the initial project gives us and our winged friends considerable hope. The wetlands and the birds that inhabit them are nature's gifts to humankind.

I hope to read more reports on China's wetland preservation in China Daily to further enhance public awareness and inspire more individuals and organizations to become involved in a great cause.

Daisy, via e-mail

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(China Daily 11/28/2012 page9)

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