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Not much option for Japan

China Daily | Updated: 2013-01-29 07:54

Comment on "Beijing, Tokyo continue talking" (China Daily, Jan 21)

Japan has for long tried to force China to focus on economic issues instead of looking back at history. But I believe money alone cannot solve all the problems a person or a country faces. Like what the article said, sincerity in a relationship is very important.

Perhaps, Japan should find out why some Hong Kong and overseas Chinese enterprises do so well on the Chinese mainland. They do make huge profits, but they are also genuinely concerned about the welfare of the mainland and their compatriots.

Also, I don't think Japan can really revive its economy on the basis of whatever development plans it has for the Diaoyu Islands. Maybe, it is time for Japan to assimilate new ideas and cultural values to inject fresh life into its thinking. Fostering sincere economic ties with China, however, remains the best option for Japan.

Stanley, on China Daily website

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(China Daily 01/29/2013 page9)

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