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Chinese Dream contributes to world peace

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2013-03-21 22:36

While Chinese people pursue their Chinese Dream, a term popularized by China's new leader Xi Jinping to unite the nation for development and national revival, they also contribute to the peace, stability, prosperity and harmony of the world at large, says an article in the People's Daily. Excerpts:

BRICS has transformed into a positive power working toward global governance, balanced global economic recovery and democratization of international relations, in the name of the five major emerging economies. China is an active participant in the BRICS mechanism. All BRICS states have urgent missions to develop. China expects to send a positive message calling for the international community's cooperation in the fifth meeting of BRICS in Durban, South Africa.

China is the largest developing country in the world. Africa is the continent that contains most developing countries. No matter how the international situation changes, China will continue to contribute to the peace, stability and prosperity of African countries. China supports African countries' active participation in world affairs.

China and African countries have similar recent history and development processes and the dreams of national renewal and prosperity. So the mutually beneficial cooperation between China and African countries will be rewarding and productive for both sides.

To realize the Chinese Dream, Chinese people should not only develop their own country, but also properly deal with China's relations with the outside world. Chinese people love their country and are also open to the world. China will undertake more international responsibilities within its capacity. Peaceful development is China's national strategy and also its expectation for the world.

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