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The Chinese Dream is a vision

China Daily | Updated: 2013-04-01 08:41

The first time President Xi Jinping said that the country should strive to realize the dream of national rejuvenation was when he visited an exhibition. He reiterated it at the First Session of the 12th National People's Congress, triggering discussions among the people.

People from across society should strive to realize the Chinese Dream because it is a national goal. China has become the world's second-largest economy, but its per capita GDP remains low because of its huge population. Besides, China still has a lot of room for improvement in many fields.

There are, however, factors other than GDP growth that will determine whether the nation can realize the Chinese Dream. They include environmental protection, the percentage of people with higher education and the extent of medical insurance cover. Some other soft measurements could also be used for the purpose, such as China's innovative capability and global influence.

The Chinese Dream is a vision, which needs the efforts of every Chinese to be turned into reality. So every individual, whether he/she is a public servant, private company employee or an ordinary worker, should contribute his/her share to realize the Chinese Dream.

Michael Hu, via e-mail

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(China Daily 04/01/2013 page9)

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