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Let your father know you love him

China Daily | Updated: 2013-06-18 08:53

Most individuals are caught in the daily struggle of survival in today's complex world. As a result, youngsters take their parents, especially fathers, for granted.

I have no doubt that Chinese students hold nothing but profound love for their fathers. Nevertheless, they are not taught to express that love in the right way. They justify their action by saying that their fathers know that they love them and, therefore, there is no need to express it through empty words, pretentious hugs or superficial gifts.

I must confess that as a child even I took my father for granted. I began to revaluate my attitude toward my remarkable father only after his death. I was 15 years old then. I started to realize how great my dad was and how much he sacrificed to provide us with a comfortable life.

After becoming a father myself - I have two children - I look forward to Father's Day, which I spend with my children. Their gestures of gratitude and respect on that day bring tremendous amount of joy and pleasure into my life. For those wonderful memories, I shall be eternally grateful to them.

Fathers work earnestly together with mothers to provide windows of opportunities for their children to enable them to lead productive and contented lives. The least we can do is to take a day out of our hectic lifestyles to wish them good health and happiness.

Even a sincere and heartfelt phone call to your father would be enough to convey your love if you are too busy or have no financial means to show your gratitude and respect.

Thabet Hassan, via e-mail

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