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The Chinese Dream can inspire the world

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2013-07-03 18:30

Cooperation is central to the Chinese Dream and this will make it a common dream for the world, said an article in People's Daily (excerpts below).

Every nation's dreams are shaped by their history, culture and environment.

The government puts a priority on development and this allows the Chinese Dream to be a global dream.

China's reform and opening-up in the past 30 years enriches the contents of the dream.

The Cold War mentality, zero-sum game and some other old concepts should now be outdated in the globalized era. Win-win cooperation is the practical choice for all nations today.

Civilizations created by different peoples add to the world's diversity. There are no superior or inferior civilizations. The Chinese Dream and the dreams of the other nations should draw on each other's strengths.

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