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Medics deserve appreciation

China Daily | Updated: 2013-08-14 07:55

Comment on "50 medical workers die in 50-year foreign aid" (China Daily, Aug 10)

Before reading this report, I didn't know China had sent so many medical workers to so many countries and regions to provide medical aid for people there. I deeply mourn the deaths of the 50 Chinese medical workers, who laid down their lives while serving on foreign aid missions.

The entire society should know and respect these great souls. The relationship between medical workers and patients in many places is strained today because of a series of scandals and inappropriate, and sometimes aggressive and inhuman, behavior of a few doctors and nurses.

I believe that the majority of medical workers are hardworking and honest. Therefore, it is unfair to blame medical workers as a group for the unsatisfactory performance and unethical behavior of a few.

The media are responsible for unearthing facts, but they should also seriously consider their role in building relations between medical workers and patients. Of course, they should expose the scandals of the "bad" elements and help them change their ways. But at the same time, it is the media's duty to tell society what many dedicated medical workers have done for humankind not only in China, but also across the world. Such medical professionals deserve society's appreciation.

Cao Yuqing, via e-mail

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(China Daily 08/14/2013 page9)

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