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Steps forward, and a step back

By Wang Yiqing | China Daily | Updated: 2013-08-16 08:52

A revision to the draft amendment to the environmental protection law has aroused a heated outcry from the public

On July 17, after one year of review, discussions and revisions, the Legislative Affairs Commission of the National People's Congress solicited the public's opinions on the second draft of the Amendment to the Law of the People's Republic of China on Environmental Protection. It is unusual for China's legislative authorities to twice solicit public comments on a law, which shows the significance and complexity of the amendment.

China's environment has deteriorated sharply in the 24 years since the existing environmental protection law was officially adopted in 1989, and an amendment to the law to meet the environmental situation today has been highly anticipated by the environment protection authorities, academia, environmental protection NGOs and the public.

However, the first draft of the amendment released last August failed to meet their expectations and it was heavily criticized for "being too mild and lacking any fundamental change and improvement". After the original amendment was released for public comments on Aug 31 last year, it received 11,748 comments from 9,572 citizens within a month; most of them unfavorable. The Ministry of Environmental Protection also officially made four major comments and 34 specific suggestions to the first draft.

The harsh criticism led to the revision of the first draft.

The second draft of the amendment has undergone a major "operation" in the 10 months of revision, and several significant changes have been made. In the second draft, protecting the environment has been defined as a basic State policy for the first time, which reflects the government's pledge to "construct an ecological civilization". The second draft also strengthens the regulations that cover the government's environmental protection responsibilities, especially supervision and accountability. Including environmental protection into the assessment system for officials and punishing their malpractices according to the law will effectively help protect environment. More notably, the disclosure of environmental information and public participation have been included in the law as a separate article for the first time.

The response to the second draft has been a lot more positive, with the general impression being that it is "on the right track", as it gives four major participants - local governments, the local environment protection authorities, enterprises and the public - roles in protecting the environment.


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