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Innovations in diplomatic theory, practice

By Yang Jiechi | China Daily | Updated: 2013-08-17 08:27

3. Putting forth the right approach to upholding justice and seeking interests with a view to enhancing friendship and cooperation with neighboring countries and developing countries.

To strike a balance between upholding justice and seeking interests is at the heart of traditional Chinese culture and a moral benchmark observed by the Chinese nation throughout the centuries. This important principle governs both personal conduct and China's relations with other countries. Inheriting the fine traditions of Chinese culture and the diplomacy of New China and keeping in mind the new tasks in the new period of China's relations with other developing countries and its neighbors, Comrade Xi Jinping underscores the need to adopt the right approach to upholding justice and seeking interests in growing relations with these countries. Politically, we should uphold justice and fairness as a guiding principle. Economically, we should pursue mutual benefit and common development. In growing relations with our neighbors and other developing countries that have long been friendly towards China yet facing daunting challenges in development, we will accommodate their interests rather than seeking benefits at their expense or shifting troubles unto them.

During his visit to Africa, Comrade Xi Jinping had sincere and cordial discussions with African leaders, in which he expounded on China's Africa policy and stressed China's commitment to cooperation with Africa with sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith. In particular, he emphasized the win-win nature of China-Africa cooperation. He reiterated that China will fully honor its commitment to Africa, attach no political strings to aid to Africa, help African countries translate their strength in natural resources into progress in development and achieve diverse, independent and sustainable development. Comrade Xi Jinping's remarks struck a chord among African leaders and people. Many of them said that China's help to Africa is sincere and aims at boosting Africa's development and that Africa has full trust in China.

During Comrade Xi Jinping's visit to Trinidad and Tobago and Costa Rica, a large number of major cooperation projects were agreed upon, which testifies to China's sincerity in helping Central American countries to achieve development. Comrade Xi Jinping announced that China would provide preferential loans and special infrastructure loans to Caribbean countries having friendly ties with China, and this was warmly received. Comrade Xi Jinping's visit to Mexico boosted bilateral business ties, and the two sides announced the upgrading of China-Mexico relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership.

4. Proposing stronger top-level designing and strategic planning in diplomatic work including the bottom line thinking with a view to resolutely upholding China's core interests.

Comrade Xi Jinping has repeatedly called for stronger top-level designing and medium- to long-term strategic planning for China's diplomatic work. The Party Central Committee, demonstrating a long-term and broad vision and bearing in mind the underlying trend and major events, has stepped up such efforts by integrating China's relations with the world's major countries, its neighbors and other developing countries and multilateral diplomacy through a series of major initiatives. This has promoted an all-round growth of relations with various parties, meeting our target of a good start and solid layout in diplomatic work and setting the stage for the medium- and long-term pursuit of our objectives.

The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary attaches importance to the details of implementing China's foreign policy. It calls for the need to follow new trend in strategic planning, to make timely policy adjustments in light of shifting international developments and the changing external environment, and to properly address new issues and problems in our diplomatic work. We must keep in mind the bottom line, working for the best but preparing for the worst. Comrade Xi Jinping has stressed that while being firmly committed to peaceful development, we definitely must not forsake our legitimate interests or compromise our core national interests. No country should expect us to swallow the bitter fruit that undermines our sovereignty, security and development interests. In our diplomatic work, we will not dodge disputes or problems as there may be. Rather, we will endeavor to properly handle the differences and problems with relevant countries, while working to promote exchanges and cooperation in various fields to expand common interests and maintain good relations with neighboring countries, and maintain peace and stability in the region as a whole.

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