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Building strategic trust

By Tao Wenzhao | China Daily | Updated: 2013-10-15 07:22

On the contrary, a strong partnership with China was, in itself, an important part of the "rebalancing" strategy. Statements are important, but actions are more important. It is hoped that Kerry's statements, and similar statements made by other high-ranking US officials, will be translated into actions.

China and the US have more converging interests and frequent interactions in the Asia-Pacific than anywhere else. At the same time, the two countries have come into dispute with one another more often in the Asia-Pacific than in any other region.

China-US relations are extremely important to peace and stability in the region, while regional developments may also impact China-US relations. In fact, the US "rebalancing" strategy has further complicated the security situation in the region.

Just as Wang stressed, the two countries "shoulder increasingly greater common responsibilities" toward the international community, but first and foremost toward the Asia-Pacific region. He went further to suggest that the Asia-Pacific should be turned into a "testing ground" for the new model of major-country relationship.

We have said, for some time, that the Taiwan question was the most important and most sensitive issue in China-US relations, as it encroaches on China's core interests. Now the Taiwan question is still important in bilateral relations but the more pressing issue affecting China-US relations is the way in which the US handles territorial disputes between China and some of its neighboring countries, including disputes over maritime sovereignty, rights and interests.

China has not asked the US for support. It has only asked the US not to interfere or meddle in these issues, or send out confusing, even erroneous signals. These issues are for China and relevant countries to settle through peaceful bilateral negotiations without external interference. This could be a test for the new model of major-country relationship.

To enhance cooperation between the countries is a fundamental way to build the new model of major-country relationship. Through efforts over thirty-odd years, a good foundation for cooperation between China and the US has already been laid. Economically, China and the US have become increasingly interdependent and neither can thrive in isolation of the other. In many bilateral, regional and global issues, the countries have also expanded their cooperation and increased their common interests.

China and the US could cooperate in a number of areas, including the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, cyber security, climate change, the peace talks between Palestine and Israel, and even on Afghanistan.

To stabilize the situation in Afghanistan, fight terrorism, crack down on drug trafficking and help Afghanistan develop its economy and improve the lives of its people are some of the areas in which China and the US may cooperate. Wang optimistically envisaged China-US cooperation in Afghanistan to be a new highlight in cooperation.

If the two countries expand cooperation to more and more areas and achieve mutually beneficial results through such cooperation, then a new model in major-country relationship will have been established.

The author is a researcher at the Institute of American Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. www.chinausfocus.com

(China Daily 10/15/2013 page8)

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