Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

China and India jointly enter new era

By Qi Li (China Daily) Updated: 2013-10-30 06:58

The significance of the two Asian giants' embrace is not confined to their border, but has positive implications for the region and the world at large. Here are two of the world's fastest growing economies whose populations account for one-third of the global total, and as emerging markets with enormous untapped potential, they will undoubtedly play a more dynamic role in regional and global affairs if they act as partners working together as stabilizers for the common good of Asia and the world.

As Singh pointed out in his speech at the Party School of the Central Committee of CPC, China and India "can be more effective if we work together".

This has already been proved in the multilateral platforms such as BRICS and the G20.

Despite their differences and unresolved issues, as long as they share the same vision of common development and mutual benefits and work together to build mutual trust, then the solving of the sticky issues will only be a matter of time.

Aside from the signing of nine agreements and memorandums and the reaching of a broad consensus, the exchange of visits by the premier of China and the prime minister of India within the same calendar year, by itself a rarity in five decades, is of remarkable significance.

The world has entered a new era and so have relations between China and India. By making 2014 a Year of Friendly Exchanges and discussing ways of commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, the two countries are poised for a closer, more stable and win-win relationship. At a time when both countries are in the process of realizing their national dreams, they have found that the Chinese and Indian dreams for becoming strong and prosperous nations are interconnected and mutually compatible.

The author is a Beijing-based scholar of international relations.

(China Daily 10/30/2013 page8)

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