Opinion / Forum Trends

The superstitions of numbers in China (Part II)

Updated: 2014-06-11 08:06 (bbs.chinadaily.com.cn)

Friday, January 4th 2013 was a very special day. Hundred thousands of Chinese couples were married that day. Can you guess why?

Friday = 5 (Day number 5 in a week)

January 4th 2013 = 201314 (when Chinese write dates, they start from year, to month, to day)

So, Friday, January 4th 2013 would be written as 5201314 in Chinese.

The superstitions of numbers in China (Part II)

The superstitions of numbers in China (Part II)


The superstitions of numbers in China (Part II)


The superstitions of numbers in China (Part II)

How I incorporated Chinese culture into my wedding   Advice for graduates  China's changes from 1992 to 2014
The original piece: http://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/blog-1353795-17000.html
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