Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Let's end the crimes of violence

By Liu Bo (China Daily) Updated: 2014-06-14 09:17

The government should implement more policies favorable to vulnerable groups and take measures to ensure that help reaches those who need it the most. For example, the government can create special open zones for vulnerable groups in the job market and provide them with vocational training so that they can make a decent living and share the fruits of economic and social development.

But material help alone is not enough to deal with the problem; vulnerable groups' legal rights also have to be protected. The government needs to broaden the channel of democratic discussions and let every group voice its opinion in social matters. If people are allowed to do so, they will get a feeling of empowerment. The government could use online forums more intensely to interact with ordinary people and understand their needs and aspirations. People, too, can use the Internet to form legitimate social organizations, which will help maintain social order.

Promoting social governance is not the job of the government alone. Given the spate of violent incidents in recent years, the media have to change their way of reporting a crime. It is true that many perpetrators believe they have been victims of injustice and, hence, must inflict injury and pain on others to get even with society. But instead of making wild guesses about the incidents, the traditional and emerging media both should condemn the perpetrators and counsel the survivors. Serious analyses, of course, can be put to better use.

The efforts of people across the social divide are needed to root out violence from society. Some media reports say that police are upgrading their equipment and using new techniques to quell and preempt violence. But without the efforts of ordinary people, such social missions cannot succeed.

Ordinary people have a greater role to play in such cases, because they can provide immediate post-attack relief and counseling to survivors. By providing first aid or helping victims' families recover from the trauma of loss, ordinary people can help prevent the ill effects of violence from having a permanent impact on survivors and victims' family members, and thus preempt the development of destructive ideas among them.

In other words, preventing violence is the responsibility of all.

The Chinese version of the article first appeared in Study Times.

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