Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Resolve South China Sea issue first

By Jin Yongming (China Daily) Updated: 2014-06-26 07:34

The US has launched a "proxy war", with the political and strategic support of some countries against China. In exchange, it has helped these countries expedite their military build-up and deployment and has been supporting them in their maritime disputes with China. In spite of all this, China and the US still have ample space and potential for cooperation on maritime issues, especially non-traditional security cooperation at sea.

China should intensify communications with the US through established bilateral dialogue channels and make it clear that it understands Washington's wish to continue playing a dominant role in Asia. China also needs to make it clear that it does not intend to challenge the US' status in exchange for its respect for Beijing's core interests and concerns.

Given the complicated factors and the US-Japan alliance involved in the settlement of the dispute with Japan over the Diaoyu Islands, China should first try to maintain stability in the East China Sea and focus on how to resolve the disputes with the Philippines and Vietnam in the South China Sea. Since the Philippines has moved the international arbitration tribunal over its dispute with China in the South China Sea, an action that could be emulated by other countries, Beijing should collect sound evidence to be better prepared to deal with the issue even though it is opposed to such a move.

The South China Sea issue will serve as an important indicator of whether China can establish itself as a regional power and realize its goal of becoming a "naval power". Therefore, China should, based on relevant international laws, publish a policy declaration to back its claim that it has "indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea islands and adjacent waters, and enjoys the rights and jurisdiction over the relevant seabed and subsoil".

The author is director of the Institute of China's Oceanic Strategy, affiliated to the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.

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