Opinion / Forum Trends

Women obsessed with pale skin?

( bbs.chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2014-08-06 08:08

Beadcat (US)

In their culture lighter skin is a sign you don't have to work, and darker skin means you work out in the fields. In our culture lighter skin is a sign you have to work indoors, while darker skin means you have leisure time to lay out in the sun on the beach. What a world!

Women obsessed with pale skin?

Foreign visitors walk on the street in the scorching sun on the Bund in Shanghai, China,on July 7, 2014. [Photo/IC]

Women obsessed with pale skin? Women obsessed with pale skin?
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The original piece: http://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/thread-883877-1-1.html

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