Opinion / From the Readers

Western democracy has flaws

(China Daily) Updated: 2014-08-21 06:51

Comment on "Western form of democracy not a universal choice" (China Daily, Aug 16)

Western democracy is "praised to the sky" in the West ... without critical thought. A person is more likely to decline a bribe in Western countries, because the standard of living there is already high and he/she would not like to jeopardize his/her lifestyle and reputation by falling to the lure of illegally made money.

But that doesn't mean people and organizations do not bribe government officials in the West. In fact, many entities in the West have the ability to sway government decisions, because such decisions are not conducted transparently. Western democratic governments are also corrupt, and the fact that vital decisions are made behind closed doors and favor politicians are proof of that.

Moreover, Western political systems involve too many regulations. More laws are enacted with the passage of time, turning what was once a "free country" into a security bound state - human freedom becomes more restricted and government authority more expansive.

JASON WONG, via e-mail

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(China Daily 08/21/2014 page9)

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