Opinion / From the Press

Students, don't fall prey to greed

(China Daily) Updated: 2014-09-05 09:04

A college student gambled away the 10,000 yuan ($1,628) he was to pay as tuition fees for the new academic year at a roadside gambling "den" in Chongqing municipality recently. This should be warning to people, especially college students, to guard against frauds, says an article on gmw.cn. Excerpts:

Roadside tricksters and frauds have taken people for a ride since ancient times in China. Though their tricks range from card games to different kinds of chess, they all follow one principle - that of attracting potential victims into pre-designed games to cheat them out of their money. Media reports are full of such cases, and surely the Chongqing student must have been aware of such tricks before falling victim to one of them.

The incident should be a warning to all college students to keep an alert mind and not fall prey to greed. As young members of society, college students need to be exposed to the ways of the world under watchful eyes. They need proper guidance and must be forewarned about potential dangers. Also, they should be taught to stay away from gambling and drinking.

And most importantly, they should learn to not fall prey to greed, because surveys show that most frauds use small incentives to lure college students into traps.

Although these suggestions are to help college students avoid traps, they apply to every member of society.

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