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Should China enforce tighter rules on foreign teachers?

( bbs.chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2014-09-26 07:46

Sayallucan (Philippines)

If you are Chinese, travel to the west seeking for teaching position, you can be assured that you will be subject to many regulatory factors before you get employment status. Whilst many Europeans & Americans are facing economic turbulences in their native country, they travel across here with a piece of luggage and honing their language skill in China and most Chinese naively get hooked that they are indeed the answer to their lack of English language linguistic skills. Do always remember, not all whites are doing the right thing in China. usually the highly skillful ones would never leave their motherland as they would have the capability to make a decent living in the place where they originated. So the only ones that flocked their feathers and teach English in China trying to make some decent bucks to stay financially healthy may not be ideally the one you should pursue the language skill you require.

Should China enforce tighter rules on foreign teachers?

A schoolgirl looks at her foreign teacher Musasizi Isaac curiously during a class in Limin school, a school for children of migrant workers, in Jiaojiang District, Taizhou City, east China's Zhejiang Province, Sept. 13, 2012. Isaac arrived in China four months ago, and he now teaches English to two classes in this school.(Xinhua/Han Chuanhao)

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