Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Blinded by their outdated bias

By Zheng Xiwen (China Daily) Updated: 2014-10-08 08:07

Concerns about Beijing's strategic intents are due to the prejudiced views of China-bashers rather than a lack of transparency

Some media and powers in the West are keen to sensationalize what they call China's "uncertain strategic intents", claiming China cannot explain them clearly. They say China poses a threat to the region and the world with its fast development and the continuous fast rise in its military expenditure, especially since China has not explained clearly how it intends to use that military muscle.

But the logic behind this China-bashing repertoire is too weak to stand any inspection. In terms of size, the United States' economy accounts for more than 20 percent of the global economy. When it comes to military power, the US continues to increase its military input, in spite of the fact it already boasts the strongest military in the world. As for transparency, the US Naval Institute openly opposed Chinese military officials visiting US aircraft carriers, while US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel was given a tour to China's first and only aircraft carrier the Liaoning in April.

China's gross domestic product is about half that of the US, and its per capita GDP is only one-eighth that of the US. Yet China's military spending is less than one-sixth that of the US, even though its military needs modernization to defend its own interests and territorial integrity given the traditional and non-traditional security threats it faces. The immediate threats to China's stability and security are extremists, separatists and terrorists.

The China threat cliché originates from a Cold War mentality and West-centrism. Such a mindset is only comfortable with a weak, obedient and silent China. No sovereign state can stand such a biased concept of security.

Facts speak louder than words. China's strategic intents are explicit. The big strategic intent of China is to realize the two anniversary goals: the rejuvenation of the nation, to make the Chinese economy more prosperous and its institutions mature by 2021, the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China, and to make China a moderately developed country by 2049, the 100th anniversary of the People's Republic of China.

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